
Saturday May 01, 2021
“THE INTUITIVE ADVISOR” - Mona Lisa Schulz - 2009.7.05 - Show #440
Saturday May 01, 2021
Saturday May 01, 2021
Track 1:
Chakras of the body
Start Track 2: 21:45
Track 2:
Call about Migraines & Right Brain
Migraines in Women and differences in people
Recap of Book and what Mona Lisa does
Call about personal "issue" with sleeping
Bach Flowers Discussion
Start Track 3: 42:08
Track 3:
Long amazing call
Start Track 4: 1:01:37
Track 4:
Discussion about Health Pearls
Sleeping Discussion
Start Track 5: 1:20:35
Track 5:
Signs of illness & life path differences
Getting on the right path no matter the cards you're dealt
Start Track 6: 1:38:05
Track 6:
Discussion about drugs and different options for healing

Saturday Apr 24, 2021
WHOLE BODY CLEANSING - Gaetano Morello - 2010.04.24 - Show #480
Saturday Apr 24, 2021
Saturday Apr 24, 2021
Track 1:
Dr. G talking about family-history
Mother's Bloodpressure - learn how to adopt to stress
Call about herniated disks
- Comparison of Cantaloupe
- Ozone Therapy
- Possible Natural Inflammatory "Curamin"
Track 2:
Call about benefits of Dandelion for Detox
- poor man's way for cleansing - binding chemicals in the gut
The Bile Pathway
- 93% of Bile will go back in the blood (in the intestines) unless you have enough fiber in the system
- Water
- Fruits + Vegetables (antioxidants)
- Careful about exposure to toxins
What does detoxing mean?
All humans on the planet have chemical toxicities
- Are they having a detrimental effect on the body?
- 400-800 chemical in all of us +/- 280 in umbilical cords
- Problem existed back in the 60's
Are there symptoms indicating that it's time for a detox?
Track 3:
Story about Roommate in school who was always detoxing
Dr. G was trying to find-out what was going on?
What do we need to do to scientifically to detox?
- Reduce body burn
- Minimize toxic exposure
- optimal diet
- optimize bowel health
- strengthen anti-oxidant reserve
- improve mitochondrial composition
- enhance detox mechanism in liver
- enhance heavy metal detoxification
How to start on detoxing?
- Keep an eye on existing conditions (thyroid)
- Test on caloric restrictions - exercise combo-program
- Adipose Tissue (weight loss)
- Metabolic rate (T3)
- Organocoroids (pesticides in food)
As people were losing Adipose, organocoroids went WAY UP!
T3's went down
weight loss plateaus
Track 4:
Losing Weight, while low caloric + exercise = some detoxing
Work on Caveat of all healing
- normally digestive tract
- interesting fact: external organ can be damaged from external factors
- problem with sugar = glycation
- process where elevated levels start to get sticky
- effects of sugar on the system
PH in stomach 1,2-2 (very acidic) - musin
- why?
- to break down protein
- to kill down everything before it goes down to intestine
- Taking antacids changes to 4-5 PH
We must heal the gut first!
How to increase musin : DGC
- Megazyme (enzymatic therapy)
Track 5:
Entire Digestive Tract
Call about coffee and fermented foods
- Coffee Detox
- good and bad
- cologenic acid
- some people have problems with coffee detox but others don't
- Fermented Foods:
- many benefits
- probiotics
- alkalization of system
Affects of soda-pop on breakdown
Article: Discover Magazine 2006 November
2 guys
- 6'1" large frame
- 5'9" medium/small frame
- Fascinating fact: they were identical twins
- separated at birth
- different food, environment & bring-up
- epigenics:
- 5% of cancer is genetics
- 95% is environment
Track 6:
Email about açai detox program
Hypnothyrodiam + detoxification
Pulse pressure + detoxing: blood pressure
- Pulse = subtract 1 from 2
- so: 120 over 70
- pulse = 50
- High Pulse Pressure 80-100 : could be in certain heart-conditions
Call about salt reduction in diet during last 30 years
How about Iodine intake - causing thyroid problems
Call about ACV: when absorbed in bloodstream it becomes alkaline
Email about taking enzymes instead of body making its own
- allows pancreas to better regenerate
- we don't become dependent

Saturday Apr 17, 2021
Part 2 of PTSD & BREAKING THE MORAL CODE - Eric Newhouse - 2017.04.22 - Show #802
Saturday Apr 17, 2021
Saturday Apr 17, 2021
Track 1:
PTSD = what others do to you
MORAL INJURY = what you have done to others
Difference between the wars WW1 + WW2 = DEFENSIVE
Vietnam/Iraq = OFFENSIVE
We are fighting Guerilla's now/ not army's
Start Track 2: 22:40
Track 2:
Call about feeling guilty and regret
Discussion on the call
VA Program in Wisconsin
Depression & writing
"God Is Not Here" book
Sexual harassment story
Start Track 3: 44:05
Track 3:
Use of Opioids: Opium Derivative
Story of Young Women
VA Starting Opioids as well as greater + greater numbers
Start Track 4: 1:01:10
Track 4:
Reintroduction + Recap
Talking about practical solutions & forgiving
Jacobus's story of father & forgiveness
Now forgiving yourself
Story of man opening Gym for martial arts to learn to fight & RESPECT others
Call about forgiving our Government for betrayal
Start Track 5: 1:17:45
Track 5:
Reintroduction and Monologue about working on ourselves
Jennifer Schluga + dealing with person who feels like he is a monster
Animal Therapy
Hacksaw Ridge and Unbroken
Sioux Nations
Start Track 6: 1:36:10
Track 6:
Exercise: what is the correct way to find healing
Exercising in Nature
Stories about research on mice with shock treatment
-Warriors are Quiet Walkers
-Warrior Hike (Appalachians)
-Reel Recovery

Friday Apr 09, 2021
MORAL INJURY OF PTSD - Eric Newhouse - 2017.03.11 - Show #796
Friday Apr 09, 2021
Friday Apr 09, 2021
Track 1:
Track 2:
Story of TBI Injury = Torture of Paperwork
Moral Injury: Washington Post Column
Eri + Bessel Van Der Kolk, MD
Track 3:
Call about moral injury
People who have moral trauma and cannot/unable to talk about it
Track 4:
Who goes to the military:
Poverty: they can make more money than otherwise
Patriotic: Grandfather, father have served- now it's their turn
Track 5:
Faces of Combat - story about Agent Orange
7,400 veteran suicides in 2014
Call about use of SSRI in non-combat vets
Track 6:
Opioids statistics up 270%
Vets who do not need help
Vets who do help

Friday Mar 26, 2021
“FACES OF COMBAT” & PTSD - Eric Newhouse - 2009.11.21 - Show #460
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Track 1:
Emotional wounds vs battlewounds
Story of Jack - about pulling the trigger "first"
March 4, 2007
The Yellow Ribbon Program
Brain Schwitzer & Randy Mosely: How do you assess soliders for emotional problems.
- Most don't start until about 6 months
Start Track 2: 21:43
Track 2:
About Violence in videogames + Hollywood Movies
PTSD: Builds with increasing stress
- Why are some more resilient
- Do some have more trauma in their background?
- WE need to test for that
- Very different to understand - seems to be a normal reaction to stress
- Has it been around ever since man has been fighting
- Difference today:
- In the past: you knew who you were fighting
- Today: enemy is in disguise
Story of Dave & Daniel Belchar
Call about women in combat
Start Track 3: 42:09
Track 3:
Helen Benedict (Columbia University)
- "The Lonely Soliders The Private War of Women Serving In Iraq"
- Military Sexual Trauma
- 80% is never reported ("Common Rape")
- Superior should NEVER have relationship with subordinate
- Military Sexual Trauma
TBI: Occurs when there's an explosion nearby and brain gets shaken-up
Some cellular brain death immediate
other cellular long-term
TBI vs PTSD: Similar symptoms but also differences
Start Track 4: 1:01:29
Track 4:
Call about son going to Marines
1.) What can one do as he goes into combat
2.) What can he do as an officers for his troops
Building family bonds right now
check-list when he is in battle for his troops
Many suggestions from Eric
Reading of Pre-PTSD article
Start Track 5: 1:20:52
Track 5:
Call about the past and the present
- Everything in the past effects us in the present
- Mind-body connection
Continued story about Mike Zacchea
For every $ we put into war, we should put $ into PTSD recovery
Secondary PTSD
Call about the type of war we're fighting today
- Department of War vs Department of Defense
Start Track 6: 1:39:16
Track 6:
Article about Report dismisses idea of Gulf War
Jacobus talks about EFA's and Aspartame
- Email about supplementation for TBI
Treatment Options:
- Talk Therapy
- Alpha- Stim: Done around the country and in MT
- $400
- Use every 3-4 days: Help to reset the brain
- Neurofeedback: training the brain to reset itself
- Everything we do, think - affects the brain, how we operate
- Mind-Body Bridging
Story of Jack - about pulling the trigger "first"
March 4, 2007
The Yellow Ribbon Program
Brain Schwitzer & Randy Mosely: How do you assess soldiers for emotional problems.
- Most don't start until about 6 months

Friday Mar 19, 2021
NEUROTRANSMITTER DISEASES - Dan Carter - 2009.3.22 - Show #427
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Track 1:
What are neurotransmitter diseases?
- Chemical produced by the body between 2 nerve cells
- If not enough - there is no healing
- It creates pain - doctors put people on antidepressants
Realize: we are all individuals
Explaining SSRI's and MNO's
Start Track 2: 21:50
Track 2:
Call about how can we get an imprisioned criminal to speak and change
Serotonin is Excito-
- but it is calming (bloodsugar drops)
Dopamine: Excito- and inhibitory transmitter
- when this is not enough - people get tremors
- Increase w/ L-dopa and carbo-dopa
Not enough Cholesterol - not enough vitamin D
Start Track 3: 40:46
Track 3:
Build-up neurotransmitters w/ amino-acids
Exposure to heavy metals/ neurotoxins, lead, mercury, aluminum, herbicides/pesticides
Dr. Hinz: increase neurotoxins to resolve problem
But there are also periodical cases: where it doesn't work
What turns the switch off:
- Diet: not enough protein
- increase off whole food - diet
- lower high fructose corn syrup (a lot of soft drinks)
- lack of vitamins (B6, B12, Folic Acid)
Start Track 4: 1:02:03
Track 4:
Minerals are important
- Lithium: especially at low dosages
- helping with lowering excito toxins
Start Track 5: 1:15:18
Track 5:
Effects of SSRI's and SNRI's
good treatment for a depression is essential
SSRI's 5975 people
- 7% did better on antidepressants than sugarpill (93%)
- so, VERY ineffective
These drugs deplete the neurotransmitters - total opposite of Dr. Hinz's work
"non" success rates of taking antidepressants for people over 65 years old
"non" success rates of taking antidepressants for teenagers
Antideprssants were tested on adults - so they never studied the effects on children
May 2007 - warnings on blackbox : expanding to ages 18-24
What can interfere?
- Neurotoxins, Pesticides
- In adults : sex hormones
Start Track 6: 1:35:58
Track 6:
How to switch on:
- Lower carb-diet
- increased protein
- check metabolic typing diet
- whole foods are important
- amino acids (supplements) are important to turn NT on
- Should be medically supervised
- just using 5-HTP depletes dopamine overtime
- Just dopamine - depletes serotonin
- Put on antidepressants ... relation to earlier tracks
- Only using L-Tyrosine or Dopa, or 5HTP - deplete sulphur containing amino acids in body

Monday Jan 25, 2021
RADICAL METABOLISM - Ann Louise Gittleman - 2018.09.01 - Show #864
Monday Jan 25, 2021
Monday Jan 25, 2021
Track 1:
Introduction to show
Outline of the show
Explaining omega 3 and omega 6
Sources of Omega 3
- fish
- flax seeds
- chia seeds
Sources of Omega 6
- nuts
- seeds
- grains
- beans
Dietary ratios
PREFERABLE 1:1 ratio Omega 3 to Omega 6
Latest Trend: is more like:
- 2:1 Omega 6 to Omega 3
- 3:1 Omega 6 to Omega 3
Active fats
Breakdown conversion in digestion
Description of Inflammation
Starting article on GLA/Life Extension Foundation
For Rheumatoid Arthritis
Different Dosages
Start Track 2: 21:12
Track 2:
Finishing article on GLA
Call about GLA
- For Eczema
- Diabetic Neuropathy
- Asthma
- Cancers
- Breast
- Brain
- Bladder
Start Track 3: 41:39
Track 3:
Introduction to Ann Louise Gittleman
The New Thyroid Cure
Gallbladder and metabolism
- Bile (Hypothyroid)
- deficient
- sluggish
Analogy of Dietary Sink
- Bile is dishwasher detergent
What to do if gallbladder goes bad
- no fat soluble vitamins
Rewriting rules of nutrition
Connection Bile - Thyroid hormones
Fats on the inside - fatty liver
Call about no thyroid- is she doomed?
Text about age groups for the diet and diet easiness for busy people on the go
Call about gallbladder surgery
Start Track 4: 1:01:34
Track 4:
Continuation of call about gallbladder surgery
Her juices are BITTERs
- include hikama
- how to make the juices & soups
- more on gallbladder, bile and bitters
Call about not having a gallbladder and the need for Siberian Pine Needle Oil
- good for entire digestive track
Continued talk on “Radical Metabolism” book

Monday Jan 25, 2021
DEPRESSION - John Neustadt and Steve Pieczenik - 2008.11.02 - Show #410
Monday Jan 25, 2021
Monday Jan 25, 2021
Track 1:
Is everybody somehow depressed?
- It's not a "bad emotion"
- But was the reactive element
- was the organic element
Sense of helplessness, hopelessness - turns into reaction (addictions) if we cannot get out of this - we have a problem..
How do we treat it?
"I don't know where I belong" turns into sleeplessness, anger, anxiety
Differences in approach with depression
Start Track 2: 20:34
Track 2:
On treatment doesn't "fit all" - causes imbalance just like diets
People have been diagnosed for bi-polar because they are up & down
Post-Partum Depression & Male Alcoholics are some of the biggest numbers
Biochemical - Nutritional Biochemistry - harmless but effective
Start Track 3: 40:51
Track 3:
Are we diagnosed correctly by the person who is highly trained?
Differences in MD vs Psychiatrists
What is going on in Montana?!
How do we treat young people - they're acting out because of peer-pressure
Start Track 4: 1:01:35
Track 4:
Start Track 5: 1:20:32
Track 5:
Call about how to treat/not treat many people who are now out on the street
Start Track 6: 1:39:22
Track 6:

Saturday Jan 09, 2021
DEATH BECOMES US - Tommy Donovan - 2017.09.23 - Show #820
Saturday Jan 09, 2021
Saturday Jan 09, 2021
Track 1:
Tommy’s story
4 stages:
- Dilemma of knowing we are mortal
- Our need for meaning in the face of this awareness
- Meeting death squarely
- The healing power of grief
Start Track 2: 21:45
Track 2:
What is Tommy’s fascination
Terror Management with meaning systems
Ernest Becker “The Denial of Death”
Start Track 3: 43:58
Track 3:
Call from student of Tommy and his relation to doing what he loves and not being afraid of death.
Treatment of the dying in other countries.
Call about if there was no religion that believed in life after death?
Different religion fights
Why don’t treat the dying better?
Start Track 4: 1:05:18
Track 4:
Death and Art/Music
Hospice discussion
Call about times of hardship and staying positive during death.
Start Track 5: 1:27:10
Track 5:
Continuation of Clint’s call…
Call about time for grieving

Saturday Jan 02, 2021
OPIOIDS - Jacobus Hollewijn - 2018.08.25 - Show #863
Saturday Jan 02, 2021
Saturday Jan 02, 2021
Track 1: Introductions to Opioids Crisis
Jacobus concern of opioids/anti inflammatories
Call from Dominick and his experience with painkillers
Start Track 2: 17:49
Track 2:
Call from a recovering opioid addict with MS and his new uses of Meditation, exercise, writing, and vitamins rather than opioids.
Pills don't always address the cause
23 published statistics regarding opioid use, death and other major numbers.
Start Track 3: 39:25
Track 3:
Article written by Jacobus "Exposing Uberdosing" in 2013
History of Opioids until Heroin was introduced
Start Track 4: 56:55
Track 4:
Heroin section of Article.
Forbes article on Fentanyl
Call about our "broken system"
Start Track 5: 1:18:38
Track 5:
CNN Fast Facts about the Opioids Crisis
Discussion on National Opioid Overdose Deaths
Caller discusses where did all this start?
Start Track 6: 1:37:54
Track 6:
Call about Hunter Thompson's "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" book
Article discussion on Legal Marijuana and Lower Opioid Use
12 Questions to ask your doctor before taking opioids