
Saturday Jul 10, 2021
PULMONARY HEALTH AT HIGHER ELEVATIONS - Robert Schoene - 2008.11.16 - Show #412
Saturday Jul 10, 2021
Saturday Jul 10, 2021
Start Track 2: 22:42
Start Track 3: 44:57
Start Track 4: 1:04:48
Start Track 5: 1:21:49
Start Track 6: 1:40:54

Saturday Jul 03, 2021
TRACE MINERALS FROM THE GREAT SALT LAKE - Val Anderson - 2009.4.26 - Show #431
Saturday Jul 03, 2021
Saturday Jul 03, 2021
Start Track 2: 22:46
Start Track 3: 40:20
Start Track 4: 1:01:20
Start Track 5: 1:17:24
Start Track 6: 1:37:59

Saturday Jun 26, 2021
ADRENALINE & STRESS - Michael Platt - 2017.12.09 - Show #829
Saturday Jun 26, 2021
Saturday Jun 26, 2021
Track 1:
Doctors are not taught to deal with adrenaline
Adrenaline causes gluconeogenisis- protein turning into sugar
when dealing with excess adrenaline + Cortisol (often happens at night)
why older women get hyperacid
“insulin resistance in the brain”
“cannot get sugar into brain cells”
one of the reasons of Alzheimers
-therefore MCT-oil - ketone bodies
Start Track 2: 20:42
Track 2:
Call about headaches
Email about prostate cancer and progesterone cream
Talk about LEF study
estradiol causes 6 different cancers
Start Track 3: 40:58
Track 3:
Books to read about hormonal imbalances and the bigger picture.
Books by Platt:
The Miracle of Bioidentical Hormones
Adrenaline Dominance
available at plattwellness.com or in the Gesundheit! Nutrition Store
Text about tiredness
Explanation by Dr. Platt
Current hormonal issues with pregnancy
Call about progesterone cream and ketogenic diet affecting hormones.
Start Track 4: 59:36
Track 4:
Hormones and children
Morning Sickness: excess estrogen
2nd and 3rd trimester vomitting hyperemision gavidarium
Text about GMO’s impact
Call about hot flashes
Start Track 5: 1:22:53
Track 5:
Hot Flashes continued from track 4.
Creative type ADHD = ADD
because of adrenaline
creative brain not active body
therefore weight gain
right brain- creative
Text about bladder + prostate
Vitamin d3 + vitamin k2
Call about vitamin k
Start Track 6: 1:43:28
Track 6:
Text about clotting
Vitamin K
creative and weight gain
thyroid= stimulant
Adrenalin = stimulant
cortisol = anti thyroid hormone
affects T3 into reverse T3
2nd grade hypothyroidism - not producing enough TSH

Saturday Jun 19, 2021
COULD IT BE B-12 - Sally Pacholok - 2012.06.16 - Show #583
Saturday Jun 19, 2021
Saturday Jun 19, 2021
Track 1:
What is B12?
Problem with deficiencies
B12 awareness month
Start Track 2: 19:24
Track 2:
Why is it an epidemic
Clinical vs Sub-Clinical Deficiencies
Signs + Symptoms mimic other disorders - often related to aging
Start Track 3: 38:10
Track 3:
Call about B12 deficiencies and Diabetes 2
Call about testing
Can it repair the Myelin Sheath
Start Track 4: 56:15
Track 4:
Who is at risk for B12 Deficiencies
Caused by ALS Symptoms
Interpreting B12 Values
Start Track 5: 1:09:23
Track 5:
B12 Awareness website
Family history
Start Track 6: 1:29:10
Track 6:
Cost of B12 Deficiencies
Understand signs, symptoms, risk factors

Saturday Jun 12, 2021
FOOLED! - Jacobus Hollewijn - 2017.04.01 - Show #799
Saturday Jun 12, 2021
Saturday Jun 12, 2021
Track 1:
Introduction to the show
Talking about the fooling of “health care in America cares about your health!” it’s from all the politicians not citizens
Start Cholesterol discussion
Start Track 2: 22:50
Track 2:
Continue Cholesterol discussion
Start Track 3: 42:29
Track 3:
Call about Agra Chem Industry
Call about health care and happy people in Finland
Article from Well Being Journal
Start Track 4: 1:00:55
Track 4:
Continuation about Cholesterol & Health Discussion
LONG Call about improving ones health & understanding cholesterol
Start Track 5: 1:21:23
Track 5:
Call about documentary “What the Health?”

Saturday Jun 05, 2021
SEX, INTIMACY, SENSUALITY, EROTIC DESIRE - Dana Miquelle - 2010.07.17 - Show #491
Saturday Jun 05, 2021
Saturday Jun 05, 2021
7.17.2010 - Dana Miquelle
Track 1:
Are we sexy beings?
What's the nature of healthy sexual behavior in longterm relationships (major topic of the day)
It's not just physical, but also mind & spirit
Old Notion: that there is a biological drive to sexuality of course there is. But there is so much more as it is essential to relationships.
Politics of gender
Songs today are more about sex outside relationships
Dana wants to talk more about sex inside.
Sex is symbolic in relationship
- It indicates they also have good relationship in other parts of their lives
- sex is activity loaded with meaning
- it can go well or it can go wrong.
- values, meanings, our history, our beliefs
Start Track 2: 21:18
Track 2:
How we think about sex and sexuality
- that will shape how we engage it.
- what is healthy versus un-healthy
Spelling out unhealthy sexuality
- when someone is unwillingly being hurt more a "perversion"
- the erotic form of hatred
- Sexual rights being violated
- the erotic form of hatred
- inside/outside our comfort zone
- sometimes these need to be challenged
Sexuality are individualized
- Couples build with each other
- In the beginning: observations (process of eliminations) - we establish comfort zone
- When there are problems: not "if" but how is couples going to work through that
Jacobus remembers "courting"
Start Track 3: 39:29
Track 3:
Talk about difference in conflict between intimacy and desire
maybe not as compatible as people think
- Intimacy: partner becomes familiar, getting the feeling we know them
- requires security
- could become conflict in creating erotic desire
- there is a separateness required
Intimacy is closeness, dependeness
Eroticism is separateness, independence
We need to go through both to bring out the best of us
We need to go grow-up in the relationship - grow up as human beings - ALWAYS
Creating Erotic Space:
- needs reflective sense of our selves
- needs internal sense of our selves
Story about "the missing piece" about 2 circles
Start Track 4: 59:13
Track 4:
Take into consideration why LOW DESIRE
- possibly medication
- compared to what?
- in every relationship there is low desire person and a high desire person - it sets the tone...
- We also need the capacity to do so
- Viagra needed - yes/no
- When relationships become stronger/safer
Start Track 5: 1:17:20
Track 5:
How do people think about intimacy and desire.
- we need 2 souls that create an erotic space.
- it creates a risk of not being accepted
The best way to improve is to work on themselves on individuals, FIRST
"Feelings" is only the beginning of the work
Tension between wanting closeness & expressing erotic desire
Attachment needs autonomy
Fusion is without separateness
Losing weight will improve sex
- don't look at outer circumstances
- WE need to control ourselves
Start Track 6: 1:37:02
Track 6:
Call about book titles
- "Mating in Captivity" Esther Perel
- unlocking erotic intelligence
- "Intimacy and Desire" David Schnarch
"You Make Me Feel..."
- externalizing instead of internalizing
Sexual Boredom: spicing-up life

Saturday May 29, 2021
CASA/GAL - Glenda Noyes - 2017.04.29 - Show #803
Saturday May 29, 2021
Saturday May 29, 2021
Start Track 2: 20:30
Start Track 3: 43:51
Start Track 4: 1:04:18
Start Track 5: 1:24:01
Start Track 6: 1:39:53

Saturday May 22, 2021
IMAGO RELATIONSHIP THERAPY + INTIMACY - Robert Kasmer - 2010.04.10 - Show #478
Saturday May 22, 2021
Saturday May 22, 2021
Start Track 2: 20:06
Question about choosing a mate
Start Track 3: 39:25
Start Track 4: 59:33
Start Track 5: 1:16:59
If mis-diagnosis is the case - how to approach treatment.
Myth: We do not need affection, love and appreciation
Question: Do you feel loved by your wife?
Relationship: Personal + Psychological Growth
Changes in 25 years of work
Start Track 6: 1:36:33
Question about how to end a relationship (that is manipulative)
- What part of me is afraid to end this??
- You feel resentment for doing things you didn't want to do...
Marital Maintenance:
- Daily appreciation
- Struggles with reunions and departures
- Full body Hug - releases certain hormones (6 seconds 6 times per day)

Saturday May 15, 2021
Saturday May 15, 2021
Start Track 2: 21:51
Start Track 3: 42:51
Start Track 4: 1:03:25
Start Track 5: 1:20:04
Start Track 6: 1:38:22

Saturday May 08, 2021
DIABETES; ISLET CELL THERAPY; CANCER RESEARCH - Larry Stowe - 2009.5.17 - Show #434
Saturday May 08, 2021
Saturday May 08, 2021
Start Track 2: 22:36
Start Track 3: 43:21
Start Track 4: 1:00:06
Start Track 5: 1:17:06
Start Track 6: 1:37:09