
Saturday Aug 22, 2020
Saturday Aug 22, 2020
Track 1:
NACID’s - Drugs for inflammation
Start Track 2: 19:31
Track 2:
Continuation as well as calls
Start Track 3: 36:52
Track 3:
Lots of calls
Start Track 4: 55:54
Track 4:
Continuation of antacids
Splitting Fingernails
Start Track 5: 1:16:10
Track 5:
Continuation of antacids and bacterial infections
Start Track 6: 1:33:39
Track 6:
Continuation of antidepressants

Saturday Aug 15, 2020
INTIMACY - Bob Paul and Donna Wallace - 5.29.2005 - Show #245
Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Track 1: Did not record
Track 2:
Bob Paul on Trust
Call on sexual intimacy versus emotional intimacy
Start Track 3: 23:24
Track 3:
Introduction to Donna Wallace
Discussion about missing out on intimacy with one’s self from the rush and distraction of our goals and dreams
Reading by Donna by Henry Nowan?
Vacuum of emotional need
Start Track 4: 44:41
Track 4:
Unconditional Love - is it real?
The search of truth of one’s self
Start Track 5: 1:03:17
Track 5:
Clergymen in relationships
Start Track 6: 1:21:30
Track 6:
Call about intimacy vs passion to have a full life

Saturday Aug 08, 2020
POISONED - Alan Bell - 2018.03.17 - Show #842
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Track 1: Alan Bell's work
His book Poisoned
Start Track 2: 18:01
Track 2: More about Alan's book.
Call about 2-4D
Call about sister almost being killed by an Ozone Air Purifier
History of Alan's life
Start Track 3: 36:11
Track 3: Introduction to Alan Bell and his life
Start Track 4: 54:03
Track 4: Lots of callers with personal stories with exposures to chemicals.
Talking about greed in the corporations.
Start Track 5: 1:12:11
Track 5: How to modify your personal home/bedroom to become less toxic
Start Track 6: 1:27:33
Track 6: Explaining the mask
What made a change for him?
His current Detox Daily
Call about Butte/Helena and advice towards umbilical cord stem-cells
Alan's fight to get labels on ALL INGREDIENTS on cleaning supplies

Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Sunday Jul 26, 2020
Start Track 2: 20:42
Start Track 3: 36:58
Start Track 4: 55:40
Start Track 5: 1:15:35
Start Track 6: 1:34:19
DR. RAY STRAND is a general-practice physician in Rapid City, South Dakota. He is a graduate of the University of Colorado Medical School in 1971. He finished his postgraduate education at Mercy Hospital in San Diego, California. He has been in private family practice for over 30 years and over the past 7 years has focused his practice on nutritional medicine. He is quickly becoming one of the leading authorities in nutritional medicine in the world. He has lectured on nutritional medicine across the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and England. During his career he has been active in the American Academy of Family Physicians, South Dakota Medical Association, The Christian Medical and Dental Society, and the Black Hills District Association.
DR. TERRY ALTSTIEL is a General Surgeon in Rapid City for 20+ years. He has an interesting story to tell, about how he started to work with Dr. Strand
DONNA WALLACE lives right here in Bozeman, after she has taught as a professor of Sociology in California for several years. She has been a collaborator on three of Dr. Strand's books, titled: "What Your Doctor Doesn't Know About Nutritional Medicine May Be Killing You" (November 2002), "Death By Prescription… The Shocking Truth Behind An Overmedicated Nation" (October 2003), and their latest effort, called "Healthy For Life…Developing Healthy Lifestyles That Have a Side Effect Of Permanent Fat Loss" (early 2004)

Saturday Jul 25, 2020
REGRESSION AS THERAPY - Barbara Pomar - 12.17.2006 - Show #322
Saturday Jul 25, 2020
Saturday Jul 25, 2020
Track 1:
What got her started in the topic
Her work with Edgar Gayce Group
"We see people go through cycles, even cycles of misery."
Start Track 2: 17:39
Track 2:
Explain history + acceptance by AMA
- Used by physicians, psychologists
- What is it used for?
What is Hypnosis?
What is guided imagery?
Being in 2 time-zones at the same time
Bruce Lipton's work
When to use hypnosis - to reprogram
Sombalistic level - where you can't remember anything
Can prescription drugs or illegal hallucinates effect sessions
Start Track 3: 39:57
Track 3:
Cowboy Hynotherapy
Call about stop smoking hypnosis + taking on bad habits from hypnotist + about the effects of watching TV - especially when you fall asleep to it...
Start Track 4: 57:29
Track 4:
Chuck's success with therapy
Comparing the success of different therapies
Taking us back in time
Reincarnation by Riders In The Sky
Start Track 5: 1:16:53
Track 5:
Research has shown that a body's chemistry actually changes during a hypnotic trance.
Call about the time-sequencing during hypnosis. How far back can we go in a lifetime?
We have so many people on earth. Where did they come from.
Call about famous case in the 50's about farmer taken back in lifetimes. Computer is build after our own minds.
What is Group Soul?
Multiple personalities
Start Track 6: 1:34:13
Track 6:
Effects of drugs (illegal and legal) on hypnotherapy work
Effects of Suicide on soul-growth
What is suicide?
What is unexpected death (S.I.D. Stray Bullet, traffic accident)
The impact of the movie "Ghost"

Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Track 1:
Discussion with Aaron Katz
What is cryosurgery
- how is it diagnosed?
Start Track 2: 21:35
Track 2:
Lifestyle changes
PSA Levels
Start Track 3: 38:40
Track 3:
Antioxidant studies
Allopathic Therapies
Healthy Lifestyles
Start Track 4: 57:50
Track 4:
Discussion and interview of Kerry Erickson
Start Track 5: 1:18:08
Track 5:
Discussion with Chris Prentiss
Personal story about Pax
4 causes of Alcoholism and Addiction:
- Events of the past that they have not been able to deal with
- Chemical Imbalance - changes the way we feel & glandular malfunction
- Current conditions - cannot cope with
- Things they can not deal with as being true
Why do people use drugs/alcohol
Start Track 6: 1:39:10
Track 6:
How to treat it locally
- Believe that cure is possible
- Find appropriate health practitioner
- have health practitioner communicate with each other
- setting a masterplan for the future

Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
HEALING THE EYE THE NATURAL WAY - Dr. Edward Kondrot - 10/08/2006 - Show #313
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Track 1:
Why and when did he go alternative
What is Homeopathy and what is it NOT
How does it work?
Miracles do happen in healing - it shows what doctors don't know
The system of dillution
Start Track 2: 20:27
Track 2:
Dillutions didn't cause side-effects
The raw materials could
Examples of vibrations
Story about Glaucoma
National Center of Homeopathy
What is cataracts
Start Track 3: 40:28
Track 3:
How to improve eyesight
The eyes reflect lifestyle, our attitude towards life
Eye is the flower of the liver
Micro-current Stimulation - helps vitality of organ because of harmonizing within the true frequency of the healthy organ
Start Track 4: 57:00
Track 4:
Child born with Glaucoma
3 Myasms
1.) Past Life
2.) Genetic Predisposition
3.) Myasms (?)
Hanemann also has different approaches to life
- Handicapped but healthy - happy
- Healthy but alcoholic - unhappy
Diabetes and Cataracts
Start Track 5: 1:12:53
Track 5:
"The Anthropologist on Mars"
"Second Sight"
Lasik Eye Surgery
Start Track 6: 1:27:20
Track 6:
Caller with lots of homeopathy questions
Dry Eyes: Many diseases caused by dehydration
- Drink 1/2 bodyweight in ounces of water
- Check zinc levels
- Look at diet - colorful foods (70% & organic)
Macular Degeneration is an epidemic
- Overuse of antibiotics
- Mental/emotional state
- Pesticides
Exercise helps blood flow to the eye
Glaucoma : Pressure Problem
- circulation of the optic nerve
- detox the patient - water, liver-cleanse, detox BOTH

Friday Jul 17, 2020
"The HEALING POWER OF FLAX - Herb Joiner-Bey - 4.02.2006 - Show #287
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Track 1:
Introduction to the show and guest
Start Track 2: 19:38
Track 2:
Headaches - leaky gut - the imbalance of magnesium
Start Track 3: 37:49
Track 3:
EFAS effect on cell membranes - 2 layers of fatty acids
Effects of Omega 6's on connective tissues
Start Track 4: 51:56
Track 4:
Flax to build muscle
Start Track 5: 1:10:56
Track 5:
Call about anxiety
- Emotional Freedom Technique
Start Track 6: 1:27:06
Track 6:
Cardiovascular Disease Research and EFA

Friday Jul 17, 2020
REMOTE VIEWING - Kyle Klicker & Diane Ferris - 10.15.2006 - Show #314
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Track 1:
Kyle discusses and explains Lucid Dreaming
- How to recall a dream
- how to request a dream
Start Track 2: 20:46
Track 2:
Diane talks about what is her work as an intuitive healer
Kyle discusses in western society we have focused on the physical body
Different types of consciousness
- how can we use them for healing
- Why they are important
Start Track 3: 37:13
Track 3:
Call about power-elite in politics + pharmacology
- are there people out there planning to control the masses
Remote viewers have looked into the Kennedy Assassination
Power Elite how much power do we give it?
Start Track 4: 55:25
Track 4:
Call about placebo effect
- talk about type 2 diabetes and how to create a healing process in your own
Start Track 5: 1:11:55
Track 5:
Talk with Diana about intuitive healing
Analysis = enemy of intuition
Call about words + verbal concepts - do we become active participants (positive or negative)
Healing of the soul and healing of the spirit is more important than ONLY healing of the body
Start Track 6: 1:27:43
Track 6:
Talk with caller about healing her body.
Call about imbalance in the body, because of living in a right-handed society.

Saturday Jul 04, 2020
PROBIOTIC BENEFITS - Michael Corrigan - 7.09.2006 - Show 300
Saturday Jul 04, 2020
Saturday Jul 04, 2020
Michael Corrigan is an herbalist, educator and consultant to the natural products industry who draws on thirty years of experience in traditional western herbalism, phytotherapy and nutritional healing. Early in his career, he trained under and traveled with the noted herbalist and naturopath Dr. John R. Christopher on an extensive seminar circuit throughout the United States and Canada. He has continued in the footsteps of his mentor conducting numerous lectures and seminars for the health and natural foods trade, consumers and health professionals in the U. S. and abroad over the last 25 years.
After forestry and ecology studies followed by pre-med studies at Brigham Young University, he became interested in the holistic concepts of herbal medicine through his association with Dr. Christopher and earned a certificate as a master herbalist from The School of Natural Healing. He has also taken herbalist courses from the oldest herbal college in North America - Dominion Herbal College, as well as Wild Rose College, both located in Canada.
Over the years, acting in many capacities in the natural medicine industry, Michael has built an excellent reputation and become a respected force instrumental in building an awareness of the positive health and environmental benefits of natural remedies including herbs and herbal extracts such as Extract of Ginkgo biloba, Milk Thistle, Extract of Black Elderberry and Umcka as well as the expanding study of essential fatty acids, probiotics, vitamins and minerals.
As a sought after guest on numerous radio and television shows nationwide, Michael effectively combines traditional herbal knowledge with the ever-growing body of scientific evidence supporting the effective use and safety of natural therapies. He draws on his extensive experience advising literally thousands of individuals, to lend evidence to his belief that natural therapies offer reliable "first line" prevention and cure of the majority of common chronic conditions of ill health.
Start Track 2: 19:03
Start Track 3: 37:42
Start Track 4: 52:49
Start Track 5: 1:09:34
Start Track 6: 1:27:15