Start Track 2: 28:45

Saturday Oct 10, 2020
VAXXED - Polly Tommy && Suzanne Humphries - 2017.07.01 - Show #811
Saturday Oct 10, 2020
Saturday Oct 10, 2020
Track 1: In this episode we discuss medical mistakes.
We meet our special guests, Polly Tommy, Executive Producer of the movie Vaxxed: From Cover Up to Catastrophe and Dr. Suzanne Humphries, author of ‘Dissolving Illusions’.
We will then discuss the Bozeman Hospital Health Grade and
Start Track 2: 19:42
Track 2: In this episode we talk about a few different topics including:
can we trust published studies
patient safety
the cause behind disease
health care bill problems
Start Track 3: 37:08
Track 3: In this episode we discuss ALOT!
Some of the topics we cover include:
Moving On From Controversies
Why Do We Need a Vaccine
Dangerous Ingredients
VAXXED is About Fraud
Andrew Wakefield, MD
Start Track 4: 56:48
Track 4: In this episode we discuss again, ALOT! Suzanne Humphries talks about her book and we also talk about: Being Attacked on the Web
Other Vaccine Documentary
Chelating Heavy Metals
Personal Stories
Doses of Aluminum in Vaccines!
Start Track 5: 1:18:05
Track 5: In this episode we again, did ALOT!
We start off by Introducing Movie Editor Brian Burrowes
We disuccs Who Takes Care of Autistic Adults When Parents are too Old
And then we meet Technical Engineer Anu Vaidya
We discuss Project of Passion
and we finally discuss Vaccinated Children Versus Non Vaccinated Children
Start Track 6: 1:36:22
Track 6: In this episode we discuss factors such as:
Why Hospitals Check Your Vaccinations
VAXXED Movie in Bozeman
Have Vaccine Ingredients Changed
Herd Immunity
Start Self Care Not Sick Care

Saturday Oct 03, 2020
“CRAZY HORSE - WHERE MY DEAD LIE BURIED” - Dave Wooten - 2018.05.19 - Show #850
Saturday Oct 03, 2020
Saturday Oct 03, 2020
Track 1:
Why a book about Crazy Horse
Dave describes Crazy Horse the Man and Crazy Horse the Leader
What is a “Shirt Wearer”
Start Track 2: 22:11
Track 2:
Dave studies history of towns he has lived in
How to go about writing a book
What is Historical Fiction
Call about how the white people never treated the natives right
Crazy Horse Tours and the granite carving project of the Lakota war chief.
Start Track 3: 42:57
Track 3:
Re-introduction of who Dave is, and who Crazy Horse was
Call about Honor, Respect, and Spirituality, Dave explains
Lakota followed anybody they wanted to follow: “Hunger trumps Loyalty”
Story about Crazy Horse hunting with his father and sharing the meat
Dave gives insight numbers of soldiers, horses, and other battle facts.
Start Track 4: 1:01:11
Track 4:
The meaning of singing and drumming
Native history before the Lewis and Clark expedition
The data of Crazy Horse’s daughter
Burial scaffolds
Lt. Colonel George Armstrong Custer’s 7th Cavalry
Sitting Bull’s trek to Canada.
Start Track 5: 1:22:10
Track 5:
How the Native Indians’ numbers dwindled from 1840-1877
Call about observations in the book: Crazy Horse’s relationship to He Dog, his faith in himself, and Crazy Horse’s view of the white man
Text message about blankets and smallpox
Why was Crazy Horse so fierce?
Start Track 6: 1:40:18
Track 6:
Crazy Horse’s responsibilities based on his Vision
Call about other tribes and broken treaties
Dave describes Crazy Horse’s last three months of his life
He lost confidence from his own tribe and from those closest to him: “Killed by too much talk.”

Saturday Sep 26, 2020
ENERGY SENSITIVE CHILDREN - Red MoonEagle - 2018.03.10 - Show #841
Saturday Sep 26, 2020
Saturday Sep 26, 2020
Track 1:
Introduction to Red Moon Eagle
Review empathy and energy sensitivity- who I am
Start Track 2: 21:30
Track 2:
Call about Autistic Children
Understanding the needs of spiritual children and their sensitivities to food.
Junk affects how they connect to their inner core.
Start Track 3: 43:45
Track 3:
All kinds of names: Star Children, Crystalline Children, Indigo Children, etc.
Higher awareness, higher purpose, connections that cannot be stifled.
What an energy sensitive child is- how to recognize them.
Start Track 4: 59:09
Track 4:
Guilt- DO NOT SHAME THEM! Instead explain they want to know...
Do not try to dumb things down
Tools for energy sensitivity: breathing, yoga, meditation, whole foods, empowerment with boundaries
Start Track 5: 1:21:25
Track 5:
Role of Parents
The Characteristics of the children
Start Track 6: 1:41:15
Track 6: Dealing with "damaged" children. Why they were damaged and what tends to happen.
They will re-write the paradigm of the world
More people are "aware"

Saturday Sep 19, 2020
BENEFITS OF CBD OIL - Dave Hargett - 2018.02.10 - Show #837
Saturday Sep 19, 2020
Saturday Sep 19, 2020
Track 1:
You'll hear the introductions. Dave will talk about his involvement in the industry, and about the different plant species and cross-breeding.
Start Track 2: 21:04
Track 2:
Video (by Dustin Sulak, D.O.) in which he explains the "endocannabinoid system." Dave also explains about terpenes.
Start Track 3: 40:57
Track 3:
We have several callers. ONE about Tinnitus (ringing in the ear), ONE about America's policy of labeling hemp as a Class 1 drug, in stead of looking at the difference between "industrial hemp" and "marijuana."
Start Track 4: 57:43
Track 4:
Dave also explains the importance of TERPENES, and how he created his own CO2 extraction process.
Start Track 5: 1:17:38
Track 5:
This is a fun segment, as it gives a quick recap about what we have talked about already; and then there is a sort of rapid-fire questioning about different uses of CBD Oil: Can you take too much(?), topical applications, prostate health, and using CBD during pregnancy.
Start Track 6: 1:34:32
Track 6:
Dave Hargett explains the benefits of "vaping." We have a call from someone who suffers from horrible insomnia and anxiety. Another caller asks about using CBD for pets; and there is a question about using CBD topically on painful tendons. Dave explains his OVA/CBD rub.

Saturday Sep 12, 2020
AYURVEDA - Elaine Doll - 2018.05.26 - Show #851
Saturday Sep 12, 2020
Saturday Sep 12, 2020
Track 1:
What got Elaine interested in Ayurveda
Has Ayurveda survived in modern India
Eight different practices of Ayurveda
Start Track 2: 22:38
Track 2:
Ayurveda is a “sister science” with Yoga
The visions by the Rishi’s (the Ancient Seers)
introducing the three Doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha)
What is Vata.
Start Track 3: 44:45
Track 3:
Ayurveda in your kitchen
Pitta and Kapha better explained
How Elaine works with her clients
The three pillars/the tripod
Her very first client.
Start Track 4: 1:02:29
Track 4:
Her first client (cont….)
Jacobus’ story about elementary school
Elaine explains Agni (fire), Ama (repressed emotions), the 3 Malas, 7 Dhatus, and Prakutri.
Start Track 5: 1:24:04
Track 5:
Two books on Ayurveda
Listener question about the cost for an initial visit ($150.00) and subsequent treatments ($85.00)
some of the different treatments Blissful Ayurveda offers
Elaine explains facial “diagnosis.”
Start Track 6: 1:44:43
Track 6:
Other forms of “diagnosis”
How does a detox program look for a Vata-, a Pitta-, or a Kapha person
Call about how to “treat” an infection that has gone internal
Elaine explains Color Therapy

Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Track 1:
Introduction to show and Carol and Natalie.
Text about Hospitalist…
Call from about superbug and how to kill it - simple answer - take care of yourself and build up your own immune system in daily routine.
Approaching disorders such as:
- hyperthyroidism
- (Directly addressed in Track 2)
- autoimmune diseases
- (Directly addressed in Track 3)
- adrenal fatigue (imbalanced)
- insomnia (sleep disorders)
- digestion (indigestion)
- (Directly addressed in Track 4)
- low back pain (inflammation)
- allergies
- chemical sensitivities
- suicide and depression
Track 2:
Integrative approach to different disorders
blood testing
enlarged thyroid - goiter = lack of iodine
Jacobus’s insight in diagnosis and treatment.
Carol’s story about starting lab values in the 1930’s and 1940’s
Call about hypothyroidism
Start Track 3: 45:53
Track 3:
Explanation of autoimmune disorders
series of variety of viruses
still comes down to immune health
Carol talks about understanding autoimmunity
- antibody vs antigen
- Antibody: causes problem
- Antigen: immune system responds to neutralize
what is the cause of the autoimmunity?
Natalie explains further
Text about Hashimotos + Lupus
Call about polymyalgia
Start Track 4: 1:07:39
Track 4:
Quick Recap of first 2 hours.
Importance of Digestion
Natalie talks about diet
PCOS especially in women who can’t get pregnant due to dietary issues
Take a nutrition JOURNAL
What is a “healthy diet”
- are you missing certain nutrients when you are a vegan/vegetarian?
Text about deficiency + toxicity
Start Track 5: 1:26:00
Track 5:
Jacobus explains his take on “why” things happen to the body & how it always comes out sideways
Body is trying to tell you something is going on that needs to be addressed…
5 outlets of the body:
- skin
- bowels
- lungs
- sinuses
- ears
Natalie and her husbands death of ALS
What it did to her personally/professionally
At Dynamic Health Clinic- most impressive equipment in biofeedback
Story about young man with a cough
BioFeedback takes about 90 minutes. Dr.’s wanting to spend the time and make the time to fully care and do their job versus pumping patients out in 15-30 minutes.
Discussion on muscle testing and whether it is good or bad?
- Jacobus’s concerns:
- 1.) Do people have alternative motives?
- 2.) If people are out of balance are you really getting a good read out?
Call about spirituality and connecting with yourself internally not just externally.

Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Track 1:
Diagnosing based on body as a whole - not symptoms
The cell
Start Track 2: 18:04
Track 2:
Protein Based Diet
Direct and indirect Damage of the cell
Start Track 3: 36:01
Track 3:
Call about protein diet and relation to Gorillas
Call about radio-frequency on the human body evidence
Start Track 4: 51:10
Track 4:
Continuation of effect of Mercury on the body
Dentists removing mercury from the teeth
Call about personal damage from smoking
Start Track 5: 1:09:41
Track 5:
Call about glyconutrients

Saturday Aug 29, 2020
5 ELEMENT NUTRITION - Marcia Scully-Wollerman - 2018.03.24 - Show #843
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Track 1:
Introduction to Marcia
Marcia explaining her start in this field; and her life growing up in Iowa
Start Track 2: 20:55
Track 2:
Marcia explains her health struggles and talks more about her handicapped daughter and about her family life
Start Track 3: 43:17
Track 3:
History of 5 Element Nutrition
Life = Divine Order
Ying-Yang Philosophy
Western Philosophy
Chinese: longevity had to be quality
PH Balances
5 organs system had to be part of the meals
ESSENCE is more important than VOLUME
Start Track 4: 1:01:18
Track 4:
Birth Maturation fulfillment
Morning- Spring Noon- Summer- Fire
5 seasons: Chinese move the earth around in different ways
Western medicine is looking more at customized nutrition
Nourishing your SOUL while nourishing your BODY
Start Track 5: 1:23:17
Track 5:
Call about GMO's in China
Synergistic strength in food - not just molecular!
Main meal should be 5 element balancedExamples for people who get tired early afternoon- what to eat!
5 tastes:
Wood- sour
Fire- bitter
Earth- sweet
Air/Metal- Sharp/pungant
Water- salty
Start Track 6: 1:39:46
Track 6: Call from one of Marcia's clients.
Chi: Energy that moves all. Food that grows downward helps chi go down & vice versa.
3 warm levels in our torso.
Metal = Lungs
Fire = Endocrine (more complex)
Wood = Immune System
Winter to Spring season and the "flow" of the immune system.
Earth = Digestive System
Water = Circulatory System

Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Track 1:
Natural Alternatives:
- Progesterone
- Vitamin D
Start Track 2: 20:10
Track 2:
Continuation of Osteoporosis
Start Track 3: 35:49
Track 3:
Call about Muscle Cramping and Calcium levels
Call about Acid/DMG
Call about Apricot Seeds
Start Track 4: 56:03
Track 4:
Discussion of previous caller
Antibiotics Continued
Call about vision - Vitamin B-12 for peripheral vision
Call about previous call and son with issues with his hands
Call about lungs/asthma diagnosis - vitamin deficiency
Start Track 5: 1:16:42
Track 5:
Continuation of Antibiotics
Natural Alternatives for Cold & Flu:
- Good Homeopathic Kit On Hand (Osilocillium)
- Elderberry
- Other supplements that have Vitamin C, Zinc, Vitamin A, Thyme, Oil of Oregano, Olive Leaf Extract
- Moducare
- Licorice Root for Flu/West Nile/Hepatitis
Start Track 6: 1:28:28
Track 6:
Continuation of Antibiotics Alternatives:
- Oil Of Oregano for animals
- Colloidal Silver
- Garlic
- Tea Tree Oil
Call about pain killers for cattle and horses

Sunday Aug 23, 2020
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
Track 1:
Hypertension - High Blood Pressure (HBP)
Beta blockers (Blood pressure goes down, but no energy) - many side effects, including extreme muscle weakness)
Calcium Channel Blockers
ACE inhibitors (Angiotension Convesion Enzyme) work well, but also block hormone testosterone
Natural Alternatives:
- Magnesium/Potassium
- CoQ10 1-3 months to take effect
- High Fiber Diet
Start Track 2: 19:13
Track 2:
Continue HBP Natural Alternatives:
- Omega 3's
- L-Taurine
- Garlice
- Arginine
Start Track 3: 37:34
Track 3:
Continue HBP Natural Alternatives:
- Arginine
- L-Carnitine
· Antiarrhythmics six major classes, act by altering conduction of sodium or potassium, change action-potential duration or effective refractory period sodium potassium
- Hawthon
- Burcher's broom
- Cayenne
- Hosechesena
Start Track 4: 55:45
Track 4:
• Statin drugs ? inhibit HMG CO-A reductase
decrease liver production of both cholesterol and Co-Q10
lots of muscle problems (rhabdomyolysis)
liver problems
Natural Alternatives:
- protein 1/2 - 3/4 gram per pound
- Lipid peroxide
- Transfats
Start Track 5: 1:15:24
Track 5:
Call about food based vitamins vs capsule based vitamins the heating of olive oil
Long Call about stress, diet and the water/vinegar mix
Continue with natural alternatives for hypercholesterol:
- High Fiber Diet
- Curcumin, Turmeric 500 mg 3x/day
Start Track 6: 1:35:48
Track 6:
Antibiotic & Antiviral
• Antibiotic (many classes based on bacterial susceptibility)
Antiviral agents (inhibit viral replication, Acyclovir is an example, many exhibit renal toxicity, CNS toxicity)