Start Track 2: 21:34

Saturday Dec 26, 2020
Saturday Dec 26, 2020
Track 1:
Introduction to Dan Young and beginning discussion on frustrations with today’s doctors and medicine and how they address the “top issues” but not the real issue underneath
Start Track 2: 21:50
Track 2:
Continuation of frustrations with unsolved and unanswered health issues
Digestive issues that cause BIGGER problems and are not correctly addressed
Adrenal Health, thyroid issues.
Start Track 3: 39:50
Track 3:
Recap of first hour
further discussion of adrenal health
Your Body Cannot Function in Crisis Mode
Restoring and Healing 40 years of Ill Health
- Crisis Management
- Mastering the 4 key principles
- Restore
- Rebuild
- Repair
Start Track 4: 57:16
Track 4:
Funny intro Ray Stevens doctor song (3 min)
Call about Nabothian Cyst on the cervic (
Start Track 5: 1:18:19
Track 5:
Call during break about puffy eye lids
Explaining Kinesiology
- Where is the stress?
- Where is it coming from?
- How do we clear it it?
Call starts about weight gain
Start Track 6: 1:37:17
Track 6:
Continuation of call about weight gain.
Comparison of your body versus a fireplace in your house and how to start the fire and keep the heat circulating the house...
More calls discussing statin drugs

Saturday Dec 19, 2020
Saturday Dec 19, 2020
Saturday Dec 19, 2020
Introductions; How did Dennis get involved in this documentary; Manola explaining the search for the word “Quality”; Setting up the rest of the show.
Start Track 2: 21:13
Introducing Stephen Hinshaw, Ph.D.; the Face of Mental Illness; “LETS” Lets End The Stigma; Story about Hinshaw’s father; Bi-Polar and Schizophrenia; Misdiagnosing in mental illness.
Start Track 3: 43:50
(with Stephen Hinshaw, Ph.D.) Too much mis-diagnosing and over-diagnosing of different disorders; People don’t want to get labeled; Stephen Hinshaw’s father’s mental illness; Bi-Polar and high suicide rates.
Start Track 4: 1:00:52
(with Stephen Hinshaw, Ph.D.) Electro-Convulsive Treatments (ECT’s) or Electro-Shock Treatments (EST’s); How did it affect Robert Pirsig? Is it inherited? Psychotherapy; Suicides amongst young people are on the rise.
Start Track 5: 1:21:03
(with Lee Glover) How Manola got a hold of Lee; Who is Tina DeWeese? Dennis’ and Manola’s Podcast about Robert Pirsig; Lee Glover’s story of how he met Dennis and Manola; What is Lee’s story with Pirsig’s Journey?
Start Track 6: 1:39:57
(with Lee Glover) Show summary and numbers; Lee’s explanation about the personal journey, and observations of his youth; “Quality equals Reality”; Quake Lake story; 1964 Honda story; Who should be involved in this documentary?

Saturday Dec 12, 2020
FLOWER ESSENCE - Patricia Kaminki - 2017.11.11 - Show #827
Saturday Dec 12, 2020
Saturday Dec 12, 2020
Track 1:
Introduction to topic and history of Bach Flowers
Track 2:
Continuation of Bach Flower and information on natural flower remedies created by Bach.
Different personality types and natural remedies to aid in those personality types.
Start Track 3: 43:30
Track 3:
Introduction to Patricia Kaminski and FES
FES Information
product and customer service:
articles and upcoming classes:
The weather affects what “policy” works
Bach flowers developed in Great Depression by Dr. Bach.
FES expansion of the flower essences
How do you find a flower and connect with an emotion?
Start Track 4: 1:04:42
Track 4:
Walnut: Plant works for medicine (anti parasite)
the walnut flower helps us to “break links”
Call about Heart Procedure
flowers and plants to utilize before entering the hospital.
Pink Yarrow: Bone and bleeding remedies
Use when we become dysfunctional
“Big” remedy also for animals
Shape of a flower: Umble Shape - tight knit and compact builds structure around individual
Move out of material world - work more spiritual.
Plants have a lot of success
Call about high blood pressure
inventory what’s happening around you that’s the root cause.
Remedy: Benediction. Oil based formula (rollin available)
Put on heart to lower pressure.
Start Track 5: 1:24:14
Track 5:
Monologue about ourselves as human beings
PT: how is a remedy made?
Collected right in the matrix where it is grown
Bowl set on the earth in the area where it is grown (in a bowl of water) PURE CRYSTAL
4 elements (fire, earth, air, water)
Spirituality it is a big deal in making these flowers.
Take Dominion over the earth.
to be a steward.
FES around the world
Patricia helps in the world disasters - China’s earthquake (2011)
their combinations flowers to help the victims but also the caregivers
Start Track 6: 1:40:38
Track 6:
Re introduction
Patricia talks about energizing ourselves during the upcoming seasons of light.
Lots of stress on the medical community.
One of the triggers of depression is “day light”
Illumine: helps the body to regulate light.
St Johns Wort: Hower and Oil base - (in bath & apply to the heart & pulse points)
Hypericum - over- spirit blood of christ
nourishes light structures in the body.
Essential Oil and Flower Essences Story
Remedies for children — often use spray bottles
- Chamomile - deeper level of anxiety - affects digestion/regulates sleep and emotions
- Chamomile Calm (FES Product)
- Dill - used for overwhelm of the emotional system. Helps with sensory overload

Saturday Nov 28, 2020
POTENTIAL - Jerry Schlesser & Ed Dratz - 2017.05.06 - Show #804
Saturday Nov 28, 2020
Saturday Nov 28, 2020
Track 1:
Dr. Dratz' Research and Study
Start Track 2: 21:55
Track 2:
Processed Foods
Lead In Pipes
Start Track 3: 42:02
Track 3:
Call about mind-body connection and Jerry discusses the gut bacteria and brain neurons
30% of the nutrients in your blood are created by bacteria in you intestine!
Serotonin in very important and related to gut health
Vitamin D3 boosts serotonin in brain
Start Track 4: 58:43
Track 4:
Reintroduction & Recap
Calcium In The Bones
Start Track 5: 1:16:31
Track 5:
Vitamin K1 in Vaccinations
Vitamin K2 For The Brain
Effects Of Blood Thinners
Start Track 6: 1:32:02
Track 6:
NRF2 (TranscriptionFactors)
Synaptic Plasticity
How He Made POTENTIAL Work
Early Studies
Immune System & Leaky Gut

Saturday Nov 21, 2020
AGE OF MONTESSORI - Mary Ellen Maunz M.Ed. - 2018.08.18 - Show #862
Saturday Nov 21, 2020
Saturday Nov 21, 2020
Track 1:
Introduction to Mary Ellen
The life of Maria Montessori
What make children happiest: their own self development!
National test and children at risk and statistics
Call about 1895 Kansas 8th grade graduation exam
Start Track 2: 20:11
Track 2:
Dr. Elizabeth Caspari
Examples of how the classroom is run
Do Montessori children "skip" grades and stories of 6 year old genius
Start Track 3: 41:59
Track 3:
"Education is help to life"
The spiritual component of Montessori and how the teacher has to become more spiritual
Start Track 4: 1:03:03
Track 4:
Call about newer developments in technology how is incorporated in Montessori. Different Montessori Avenues.
Call about importance of nutrition and learning to cook at a young age.
Parenting and teaching from the inside-out.
Start Track 5: 1:21:21
Track 5:
Reintroduction and Recap.
Call about proper education and nutrition. "Education starts before conception."
Montessori's 3x nominations for Nobel Peace Prize
Start Track 6: 1:37:42
Track 6:
We cover topics such as mental and physical hygiene, executives functions of the brain, and how does Montessori adjust to technological changes and "Montessori Madness" book.

Saturday Nov 14, 2020
AESTHETIC MEDICINE - Dr. Ronald Buss - 2017.05.20 - Show #805
Saturday Nov 14, 2020
Saturday Nov 14, 2020
Track 1: This segment of the show will discuss our family trip to Oregon to start off.
We meet Dr. Buss and discuss his 40 year medical journey, AIDS In The 90's, Medical Changes In Four Decades and so much more throughout the show!
Start Track 2: 20:01
Track 2: In this episode we speak with Dr. Buss about Go Figure Weight Loss Centers and how and where they started.
We then discuss protocol and coaching of these centers.
Another interesting topic we cover is weight gain is a chronic disorder.
We also discuss bariatric patients and inflammatory conditions and patients first office visits at the Go Figure Centers.
Start Track 3: 41:39
Track 3: In this episode we will discuss Dr. Buss' transition from emergency medicine to aesthetic medicine! We will meet Dr. Buss' training expert Neal Rouzier MD. We will discuss how Dr. Buss is working with three groups of patients and what those groups are. We will also discuss optimizing hormones.
Start Track 4: 59:42
Track 4: In this episode we discuss the human evolution on symptoms of menopause/andropause.
We also discuss Premarin/Provera and how doctors fixed side effects of these!
Start Track 5: 1:17:58
Track 5: In this episode we discuss bioidentical hormones' growing interest. We also discuss capsules vs trochees vs transdermal.
We also discuss endometriosis/PCOS and the disorder is in the insulin production not in the ovaries. Finally we talk about low testosterone/low thyroid connection!
Start Track 6: 1:33:46
Track 6: In this episode we discuss thyroid disorders.
We discuss naturethoid, Hashimoto's, and insurance!

Saturday Nov 07, 2020
SACRED INSTRUCTIONS - Sherri Mitchell - 2018.06.16 - Show #854
Saturday Nov 07, 2020
Saturday Nov 07, 2020
Track 1:
Introduction to Sherri and her life growing up.
Story of "Kcinewis" the great seed of life and our connection that cannot be disconnected.
Call about Epigenetics and Sherri's discussion about trama not resolved in the first generation will be passed down.
Start Track 2: 20:50
Track 2:
Suppressed Feelings.
Sherri's explanation of healing herself.
Start Track 3: 41:15
Track 3:
Reintroduction and quick overview by Jacobus so far in show.
Stories and genetic memory and web of connectivity
3 fires: Brain, Heart, Gut and how they are connected.
What's happening around the world? Have we forgotten that we are all connected?
Start Track 4: 1:00:11
Track 4:
Ancient Language & the spoken word
Discussion about war and warriors.
Start Track 5: 1:22:21
Track 5:
Warrior fightings and killings.
EAST is the origin of creation.
Suicides and working on our spirituality.
Start Track 6: 1:40:42
Track 6:
Call about the source of "Amazing Grace"
Call about WAR
East is the direction of Creation
Shamanic healing and shamanic process are explained by Sherri.

Saturday Oct 31, 2020
CANCER & ALZHEIMER’S VS SUGAR CONNECTIONS - Ed Dratz PhD - 2018.08.04 - Show #860
Saturday Oct 31, 2020
Saturday Oct 31, 2020
Track 1: In this segment we cover the following topics:
- Omega 3's
- Meta Anaylsis
- Dietary Wrongs
Start Track 2: 20:15
Track 2: In this segment with Ed Dratz we have a phone call with Anthony William and we discuss the Alzheimers vs Sugars Connection.
Start Track 3: 42:16
Track 3: In this episode we discuss again more about Alzheimer's and sugars and the dangers of statins on dementia.
Start Track 4: 1:03:59
Track 4: In this episode we discuss Birth Control and Breast Cancer.
Start Track 5: 1:24:19
Track 5: In this segment we discuss Cancer Industry Methods
Start Track 6: 1:43:04
Track 6: In this segment we discuss the following:
- more about Breast Cancer without Chemo Antioxidants and female hormones
- calls about prostate cancer
- Insurance Companies' Calls from the Philipines

Saturday Oct 24, 2020
SEXUAL HEALTH - Robin Thomson - 2018.07.21 - Show #858
Saturday Oct 24, 2020
Saturday Oct 24, 2020
Track 1:
Introduction to Robin Thomson
Importance of Sex
- -good for heart
- -important for hormone balance
- -important for Alzheimer’s Brain Health
- -if fatigue is the issue - what is the reason
All for “Sleepy Sex” (sex while you’re tired)
Waning Libido - do new things together
Pain Relief
- -looking at your partner can lessen pain
- even a picture of your partner
Can Help prevent prostate cancer
ejaculation of 21 times per month compared to 4-7 times per month were 20% less likely to develop prostate cancer
Improves sleep as well- discussed further in Track 2
Start Track 2: 21:15
Track 2:
Recap of show so far
Good for the immune system
Better sleep
- Erectile Disfunction with higher testosterone
- Low Testosterone - but sexual desire
what are possible reasons why not thinking about sex
- -Antidepressants
- -Allergy Medications
- -Blood Pressure Meds
- Wellbutrin does not affect libido
- -Statin Drugs
Jacobus starts the topic on why are there frustrations regarded to sex
- Lolita book from the 50’s
- Theory of Who’s offspring is who’s - so property can be passed down… lead to marriage aspect as well
Sex is part of health and important to the healthy lifestyle
Call about sex as a “drug” and the addiction to sex
Start Track 3: 43:55
Track 3:
Healthy sex life boosts/supports immune health
- -more antibodies
- -less sick days
- -helps women with bladder health
- -UTI/Chronic from sex
- usually low in estrogen in tissue
- D Mannose
- Estriol topically/vaginally
- or topical vitamin E
- -Relationship
- Attitude
- Making time
- Enough privacy
Testosterone deficiency - can be a big player
sometimes after ovary removed
-Blood ranges are off
-Free T is more important than
Call with lots of comments and questions
Start Track 4: 1:04:12
Track 4:
Europe vs USA
Nude Beaches
Sexual revolutions - has affected
Calls about sex in Hedonism
Start Track 5: 1:26:04
Track 5:
Call about difficult ejaculation when getting older
- what to do?
- Positives & Negatives about testosterone
- Hemoglobin & hematocrit levels are elevated
- - adult acne
- -irritability
Another call about blood work for hormone levels
Start Track 6: 1:46:30
Track 6:
The importance of masturbation
- -tissue health
Peyronie’s disease
- -what are the reasons
- -what is it
- -what is it
The effects of sexual revolution
Dysfunctional Ejaculation
- -premature ejaculation
- practice with masturbation
- topical lidocaine
- -retrograde ejaculation

Saturday Oct 17, 2020
ALZHEIMERS - Lynn Mullowney-Cabrera & Jeremy Glover - 2018.06.02 - Show #852
Saturday Oct 17, 2020
Saturday Oct 17, 2020
Track 1:
What does do
Dementia versus Alzheimer’s 35% is preventable
Highgate: What does the family want? What does the family need?
Start Track 2: 19:27
Track 2:
Call about drinking alcohol
The real Montana statistics
Lynn’s personal story about her husband suffering from Frontotemporal Dementia, and the frustrating journey through the medical world.
Start Track 3: 42:00
Track 3:
Call about two topics: Alzheimer’s and using marijuana, and the fact that Veterans Affairs doesn’t want to pay for son’s hiatal hernia surgery
Lively discussion follows
Announcing upcoming Alzheimer’s events: The Longest Day (June 22) and Walk to End Alzheimer’s (September 16)
Jeremy’s role and work.
Start Track 4: 1:00:15
Track 4:
Call about brother taking both opioids and statin drugs and showing memory problems
Jacobus explains statins and discussion
Start Track 5: 1:22:11
Track 5:
Call about things both young and old can do to prevent, and improve from, Dementia-related symptoms
Lynn talks about lifestyle changes, and about the U.S. Pointer Study (called Finger Study in other countries)
Jacobus reads about physiology of Alzheimer’s, and the (obvious) symptoms.
Start Track 6: 1:37:08
Track 6:
The effects that low-(saturated) fat and no-fat diets may have had on the American population’s health crisis in the last 50 years
The Whole-Person approach, and many aspects that play a role in achieving better health
Flu-shots and aluminum; How to invest yourself in Alzheimer’s.