
Friday Oct 22, 2021
SLEEP DISORDERS - John Neustadt - 2019.02.02 - Show #886
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Track 1
John Neustadt had insomnia
- 80 million in the US have sleep disorders
- Can have big affect on your day in work/relationships
- If chronic, can be deadly (diabetes)
- Medical students staying awake for long shifts/ 72 hours
Many medical mistakes are made
Common sleep disorders: Sleep Apnea
Start Track 2: 17:36
Track 2
Categorize Sleep Disorders:
Hard To Fall Asleep: Insomnia
Hard To Stay Asleep: Insomnia, Bruxism
Too Much Sleep: Narcolepsa, Hypersomnia
Jet Leg: Fit bit did a study on 6 billion pieces of information
- Biggest problem: "Social Jet Leg"
- How to improve: go to bed at the same time every night
Hyperarousal Hypothesis: too much cortisol/adrenaline
- "wired but tired"
Call about EMF waves and the upcoming 5G
- Gadgets become ADDICTIVE/Impulsive
- We are energetic beings
- Sleep has decreased 20% in the last century because of electricity
Large number of people seeing doctors are actually suffering from sleep disorders
Start Track 3: 38:33
Track 3
Sleep Architecture:
- John tries to understand disorders by doing continuous research and then explain to patients
Different "stages" of the Sleep Architecture
- Stage 1: easily disrupted by noises/lights/etc.
- light stages of sleep - you want that to be short.
- Younger people: typical female in their 30's don't allow themselves to relax.
- Sleep disruption is very common - they stay in stage 1
- what could help: white noise machines
- Stage 2: Deeper sleep but still not in restorative sleep (10-25 minutes 45-55% of total sleep time)
- Stage 3: Restorative - slow waves - refreshing (3-8%)
- Stage 4: Highest arousal sleep - cannot wake them up.
- REM-Sleep (75-80% of sleep is NOT in REM sleep)
- REM/Dreaming sleep happens about every 90 minutes
- decreases as we age
- People get scared about going to sleep
- this can cause anxiety
Research from sleep architecture
- What are the factors of not sleeping well
- What can we take
- Tight Muscles
- Regulating blood sugars
- Self-fulfilling prophecy
Start Track 4: 57:07
Track 4
Call about pelvic Prolapse
Hormones and Gender
- Women 40% more likely to have sleep disorders
- Menopause/Hot Flashes
- Low Estrogen
- Low Progesterone
- Low Testosterone
Thyroid lab values are not optimal (bell-curve)
One thing to look for is looking for TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury)
Hormones - all start in the brain
If brain is being jostled around - damage - can affect the hormone production of all kinds
Start Track 5: 1:17:32
Track 5
Increasing testosterone affects stage 3 sleep
Decreasing weight increasing testosterone
HIS PRODUCT: made out of own desperation
melatonin goes away very quickly
- melatonin is a circadian modulator
- melatonin secreted in the brain
- melatonin secreted in the gut
Many products are not working with our physiological rhythms
- that's why he made his own product
Bi-Phasic time released
- Stage 1 - 30-40 minutes
- nutrients to help them calm down the neural system
- nutrients to help with muscle tightness
- Stage 2- adaptogenic herbs
- ashwaganda
- skullcap
- magnolia
- hops
Magnesium + B-6 - to help breakdown of L-Tryptophon (essential amino acid we need from food)
Pine Bark can also help promote sleep - especially in women
Start Track 6: 1:38:12
Track 6
Prescription medication
- 2 days: Benzodiazepines Klonazepam
- Especially the elderly
- an increase in dizziness
- an increase in falling down
- Medical Journal: success is marginal at best
- risk of death increases
- risk of cancer increases
- 1/2 million deaths in US
- Diet. Lifestyle. Dietary Supplements
New class of drugs: Belsamera
- increases falling asleep by 8-10 minutes
- increases staying asleep by +/- 20 minutes
We need to treat the person
CONCLUSION about OTC- medication for sleep- not effective may be masking real causes
Protein before bedtime - 10 grams - 15 grams/before bedtime helps blood sugar regulations
How about people with acid reflux at night and having to sit-up
- sometimes dry hacking cough
5 most common foods that cause acid reflux
- Raw Onion
- Garlic
- Tomatoes
- Coffee
- Citrus

Sunday Oct 17, 2021
HOMEOPATHY PART 1 - Jenna Dodge - 01.19.2019 - Show #884
Sunday Oct 17, 2021
Sunday Oct 17, 2021
Track 1:
Jenna's Story
Call about definition of homeopathy
Start Track 2: 20:37
Track 2:
Call about Oscillococinum
Hahnemann: only non-politician statue in Washington DC
Homeopathy is used in allopathic medicine ex. Ritalin
Start Track 3: 41:54
Track 3:
Call about encouraging people to use homeopathy and not give up right away
Text about anxiety and glaucoma
Call about snake poison and placebo effect
Homeopathy Research Institute - great research studies about homeopathy
Start Track 4: 1:00:50
Track 4:
James Taylor Kent - most famous homeopath in US
Example about the law of homeopathy - Bee sting
Many texts!
Start Track 5: 1:23:21
Track 5:
FDA attack on homeopathy
1939 Food-Drug and Cosmetic Act

Saturday Oct 16, 2021
Saturday Oct 16, 2021
Start Track 2: 21:08
Start Track 3: 43:09
Start Track 4: 1:04:19
Start Track 5: 1:27:10
Start Track 6: 1:49:33

Friday Oct 15, 2021
PAIN AND FATIGUE - Jacobus Hollewijn - 02.23.2019 - Show #889
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Start Track 2: 24:09
Start Track 3: 47:36
Start Track 4: 1:08:02
Start Track 5: 1:30:00
Start Track 6: 1:48:27
Fatigue Topic

Sunday Oct 10, 2021
IMMUNOTHERAPY - Gary Stoner - 02.16.2019 - Show #888
Sunday Oct 10, 2021
Sunday Oct 10, 2021
Track 1:
Introduction to Gary Stoner
Start discussion on immunotherapy
- Inflammatory Responses
Start Track 2: 23:49
Track 2:
Inflammation both acute and chronic
- How does it manifest itself in the body/mind/emotions
Inflammation can lead to cancer
- Cytokines
- Chemokines
- Proliferate cancer cells
- White Blood Cells
Inflammation stimulates cancer cell growth
Start Track 3: 46:49
Track 3:
Late 1800's in NY - hospital - Dr. Cooler
- Would inject streptococcus bacteria straight into the tumor
- He didn't document everything well according to colleagues
- After his death, his daughter discovered boxes of reports about every patient - she published them
- 12%-15% of patients survived
Early 20th Century - scientists tried that with viruses
Gary explained research with viruses in vitro
Immunotherapy - using antibodies or using white blood cells
Basics of Immunotherapy
- Antibody is y-shaped (can also bind to proteins - compliment proteins)
- FC-Fragment binds to lymphocytes
Start Track 4: 1:07:59
Track 4:
Text about x-rays and cancer
- Gary doesn't know enough of the data
Text about resetting immune system by 72 fasting
- discussion about bacteria + gut health
- some gut bacteria are pro-inflammatory
Why are we often worried about lymph glands?
Top 3 Cancers
- Most Devastating: Lung Cancer
- Most Prevalent: Skin Cancer/ Melanoma
- Women: Lung, Breast
- Men: Lung, Prostate, Colon
- Stomach Cancer: Heliobacteri Phylorn
- affecting epithelium layer in stomach causing cancer
- 30%-40% of Americans
- 50% rest of world
Start Track 5: 1:30:19
Track 5:
Gary talks about immunotherapy
at first for leukemia's and lymphoma's
Cell-Medicated Killing: Dendritic Cell Therapy
Gary Explains Research on T-Lymphocytes
Start Track 6: 1:50:12
Track 6:
Kristin Campbell's therapy for MS in Israel
Why don't we do that in cancer therapy
Gary explains that we are changing out dietary approach in research today
Who performs CAR-T-cell therapy and how it works.
- Still very much in its infancy
- Dendritic also - just like CAR-T: much promising research. But not FDA approved yet.

Saturday Oct 09, 2021
THE TRUTH ABOUT VACCINES - MT For Vaccine Choice - 09.30.2017 - Show #821
Saturday Oct 09, 2021
Saturday Oct 09, 2021
Track 1:
Introductions to Corrie Meza & Kaylie McBride
Start Track 2: 20:41
Track 2:
Kaylie's Story
Start Track 3: 43:01
Track 3:
Discussion and call about Fragile X
Corrie's story
Start Track 4: 1:01:58
Track 4:
Call about left wing conspiracy discussion
Call and discussion about the Vitamin K Shot
Start Track 5: 1:22:45
Track 5:
Flu Vaccines
Are we healthier with or without vaccines discussion
Polio Discussion
Start Track 6: 1:43:27
Track 6:
Call about harassment going on online towards people against vaccines.
Polio Discussion

Friday Oct 08, 2021
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Track 1:
Introductions to:
- The show
- Rus Willis overview
- Chelsea Buckner
Deeper story of Rus & how he got involved with YewTips.
Information on Taxol (1 of the elements in Taxanes)
Start Track 2: 20:57
Track 2:
Story of Mildred Nelson and Rus
How the tea changed from the bark to the tips
Call about bark harvest vs. sustainable harvest
Nann Vance: was publishing Yew Research
- Realized that there were only water-soluble components of the tea
Development into capsules and tinctures
Call about Stomach Cancer and if Rus has cancer or why he is taking the Yew products himself
Yew Products and Anti-inflammatory properties and immunostimulant properties to the cold and flu
Start Track 3: 41:30
Track 3:
Questions about stomach cancer
- 9 mL (3x3mL in mouth + swallow)
Tea has tannins in it - bitter component
Taxanes: also anti scarring properties
Taxol used on stints to prevent scar tissue from forming and causing further surgery
Use salve on wounds, cuts, & abrasions to help with healing time & scarring when you heal as well.
Continuous anecdotal stories
Rus story about dog “white out” getting stuck in blizzard while mountain lion hunting
- Rushed to the vet after finding him 3 days later…
- 1 degree from not surviving - loaded him up with heated intervenes liquid to raise his body temperature
- Frostbitten paws - TWICE their normal size and near needing to be amputated
- No pharmaceutical antidote for frostbite in vet world….
- Used the Yew Salve out of desperation to see if it could do anything…
- Did take a few months until he was able to go back to normal functionality again but still HUGE ability to use the salve
Start Track 4: 59:52
Track 4:
Minor technical difficulties but we made due!Rus continues his story about frostbitten hands and using Yew Salve from Track 3
Chelsea’s Family and their use of YewTip Salve and YewTip Oil
YewTip Salve for BABIES & any kind of rash!
Text about specific taxanes
Text about breathing problems
Anti inflammatory and HELPS with breathing
Text about specific Lung cancer
Non small-cell lung cancer respond well
- 9 capsules/day
- 3 with each meal WITH FOOD
- Nebulizers with YewTea
Text about shelf life of powder
- 3 years (industry standard)
Horse story about laminates - hoof disease
Start Track 5: 1:17:17
Track 5:
Call about small-cell lung cancer
Taxol is mixed with cream for (synthetic castor oil)- causes hair loss
Friend took 9 capsules/day - while doing chemo (didn’t tell the doctor about the capsules) & started gaining weight
What if Diarrhea
- Stop for 1 week
- Restart 1 capsule/day - 3 days
- then move to 2 capsules/day for 3 day
Call about Colorectal Cancer
Text about cost of products
Start Track 6: 1:33:51
Track 6:
Call about arthritis & gut health
Chelsea talks about difference between Salve and Lotion
Text about how to use the salve
Text about boosting immune system with asthma for kiddos
Text about prostate enlargement
Rus plays the Yew-Tar
Rus explains benefits of taxanes on immune system
Suggested dosage of YewTip for animals:
Horses 800-1200 lbs for inflammation or cancer
- 1 ounce YewTip tincture mixed with 1 cup applesauce and then added to grain ration 1x/day
- EXTERNAL tumors: use YewTip Salve 2x/day
Cat's/Dogs Cancer and Inflammation
- 1 mL YewTip oil for every 10 lbs of body weight mixed with soft food/day (1/2 for morning and night feedings)

Saturday Oct 02, 2021
AGING FROM THE INSIDE OUT - Hillary Lampers & Bronwyn Bacon - 2018.10.20 - Show #871
Saturday Oct 02, 2021
Saturday Oct 02, 2021
Track 1:
Long and full introductions to Hillary Lampers and Bronwyn Bacon and all about Elevate Health
Start Track 2: 22:01
Track 2:
Current state of aging
- Gut health is so important
- Sleep is under-appreciated
Comparing Europe with America
- “Common sense” doctors
- “functional medicine”
Start Track 3: 44:20
Track 3:
Neurocranial Restructuring (NCR)
- Big problem with breathing
Spenoid Bone explained
- Pituitary Gland sits on top of it
Blood-brain barrier workings
PTSD - Midbrain - Limbic Brain
Affect biochemistry of brain
- “Separate” lymphatic system in brain to take crud out.
- Works while you sleep
Ends-nasal specifics
- Bilateral nasal specifics (BNS)
Call about minor forms of cluster headaches
Start Track 4: 1:04:04
Track 4:
Answer for the cluster headaches
Call about wife with headaches
- now her hair hurts
Call about flare-ups around the ankles that bleed spontaneously
Start Track 5: 1:26:11
Track 5:
Diving into Regenerative Medicine
PRP - therapy injections
- Made from your own blood
- platelets hold growth factors
- difference with stem cell therapy
- platelets need to be “activated”
- PRP explained further
Hormonal Panel
PRP has 70% efficacy on joints vs 40% efficacy in stem cell therapy
Start Track 6: 1:46:39
Track 6:
PRP for women
- sexually
- after childbirth
Discussion about PRP
Call about price ranges for wrinkles
Text about causes of puffy eyelids

Friday Oct 01, 2021
OUR IMMUNE HEALTH - Jacobus Hollewijn - 2018.11.17 - Show #875
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Track 1:
Introduction and Jacobus’s passion and gratefulness to the show
“How does your Immune System Work?” by Emmy Brice
What is the Immune System?
(A look at the disease-fighting immune system credit: Ross Toro)
- The Lymphatic System
- The Bone Marrow
- The Thymus Gland
- The Spleen
The skin is very important for immune system
Explaining our digestive tract and its role in immune defense
Start Track 2: 19:55
Track 2:
Call about Anthony William about taking too much fat
Discussing our cells
- what are the needs of our cells?
Going 100% all the time versus going 60% all the time
- Relation to gas mileage in your car
Start Track 3: 40:02
Track 3:
Why is our immune system often negatively affected? (www.rediff.com)
- stress
- poor diet
- excessive alcohol
- lack of sleep
Start Track 4: 1:00:53
Track 4:
Continuation of article off rediff.com
- obesity
- lack of exercise
- medications
Call about being immune system being compromised
Start Track 5: 1:20:59
Track 5:
More reasons why immune system becomes weak from www.everydayhealth.com
- loneliness
- grieving
- negativity
- family relations
Article by “Sarah Myhill, MD” Pt 1
- her training
- the problems in medical doctors today
- metabolic syndrome- start
Start Track 6: 1:42:11
Track 6:
Play YouTube clip from Sarah Myhill, MD about causes of chronic fatigue syndrome
Continuation of reading article in Well Being Journal, (May/June 2018) by Sarah Mayhill, MD “Sustainable Medicine and Patient Intelligence” pt 2
metabolic syndrome- continued
how does western medicine treat
- Pain?
- Asthma?
- Chronic Fatigue?
the problem with Medical Education and textbooks
A snippet from article by Stephen Sinatra, MD about the health of Mitochondria; and the four main nutrients to do this
- Coenzyme Q10
- L-Carnitine
- Magnesium
- D-Ribose

Saturday Sep 25, 2021
MONTANANS FOR VACCINE CHOICE - 07.08.2017 - Show #812
Saturday Sep 25, 2021
Saturday Sep 25, 2021
Start Track 2: 21:16
Start Track 3: 40:30
Start Track 4: 1:01:00
Start Track 5: 1:23:13
Start Track 6: 1:42:12