
Saturday Nov 13, 2021
Saturday Nov 13, 2021
Track 1:
Understanding WHY people get sick
Is there a body/mind connection?
What are all the "symptoms" trying to tell us?
People who have no fear
Vagus Nerve
Start Track 2: 21:36
Track 2:
Medical Marijuana
Start Track 3: 44:13
Track 3:
Medical Marijuana
Start Track 4: 1:01:32
Track 4:
Medical Marijuana
Start Track 5: 1:23:14
Track 5:
Finishing article and discussion on "Marijuana, Mental Illness and Violence"
Call about vaccinations
Start Track 6: 1:43:43
Track 6:
Liver Disorders

Friday Nov 12, 2021
ENERGY MEDICINE - Kathleen Karlsen - 3.30.2019 - Show #894
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Track 1:
What got her here
Blossoming second half of life
Reaching out to others public presentations. Nervous.
- Shakti: Energy behind life - Goddess Energy
- Bliss: When energy flows - this is what you feel
- Kirtan: Musical gathering (call + response)
- sanskril
How to bring positive energy into your life
- Family
- Relationship
- Work
Start Track 2: 22:43
Track 2:
Kathleen waking up early to chant somewhere in nature
Eventually buying a harmonium
- practicing in pantry under stairs
Kathleen explaining Harmonium
- BEHVA - Company
- get it tuned
Start Track 3: 46:57
Track 3:
Talking about her art
Painting that looked like a spine (unhealthy)
- Didn't want to put it "out"
- Ended up "cutting" spine out - her back healed!
What are mantras - spiritual "tag" line
- Spiritual formula for
- peace
- freedom
- healing
M Sanskrit: one of earliest languages
- Rishis: Hindu Sages
- Particular mantras are for specific parts of the body
- songs for devotion
Call about smelling "aromas" while doing Kirtan
- Kathleen has experienced "hearing extra 'sounds/voices'"
Start Track 4: 1:08:42
Track 4:
How to react to people who are very "Christian"
Kirtan Band also signs gospel and hymns
- Krishna DAS - Grandfather of Kirtan
- Whomever you sing about: all are part of God
- Including rivers, mountains, different names for the same "thing"
Jacobus's experience with his first Kirtan Session
Physical healing in thyroid
- after 20 years on medication - no more!
- Throat Chakra - Speaking "your voice"
Chanting is like "internal massage"
Chanting: slow to fast
Kathleen sings another song
- "wishing all happiness & peace"
Start Track 5: 1:32:36
Track 5:
How did her husband Andrew get involved
Explaining Harmonium
Mantras effect on the brain
- Helps produce Oxytocin, Dopamine & lowers stress hormones
- Pineal
- Pituitary
- Thalamus
- Hypothalamus
Explaining Hans Jenny (1949) and his work on showing that sound/frequency produces form
Start Track 6: 1:49:28
Track 6:
SHRI-jantra - very well known symbol connected to sound ohm
- Probably inner attunement
- Atlantis Contineint
French Chemist who worked with dyes to get best vibrancy
- Miguel Chivarelle
Explaining music styles
- Pokemon
- Rock
- Chant
Mozart Effect
- Synesthesia
- touch = connected to color (very individually)
- tone = connected to color
Kathleen talks about why her life turned this way
- teenager -Edgar Cayce - Ancient Temples of Egypt Musical Chamber

Sunday Nov 07, 2021
ESTROGENS - Jacobus Hollewijn - 05.04.2019 - Show #898
Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Track 1:
Why talk about Estrogens today?
Wikipedia article about estrogens
- Explaining 4 types
- When and where are they produced?
- What time during woman's life?
- Which hormones does the ovary make?
- Men need to know their
- total testosterone
- free testosterone
- estradiol
- DHEA's
Start Track 2: 19:11
Track 2:
Call about what foods to avoid for men to gain during workouts
Dr. Josh Axe video
- top 5 high estrogen foods to avoid
- soy
- sugar
- processed milks
- processed meats
- plastics (in bottles/teflon)
- detoxing body from estrogens
Jacobus continues to explain more about this talk by Josh Axe.
- Sugars in the body
- Hormones used in cattle and dairy industry
- perhaps grassfed (100%)
- PBA in plastics - replacement for BPA are often dangerous as well
- People dumping batteries and electronics in landfill
- Large effects on wildlife dependent on rivers
Start Track 3: 40:20
Track 3:
Quick Recap of hour 1 and highlights
- recaps some things already mentioned and digs deeper into estrogen benefits in women
Start Track 4: 58:52
Track 4:
Call about major study by Women's Health Initiative which showed dangers of too much estrogens
- heart disease
- strokes
- blood clots
- cancers
- too much surgery
Call about diabetes treatments being very expensive
- prevention is a better approach
NPR playing of Estrogens in plastics and bottles BPA and others
Start Track 5: 1:18:21
Track 5:
Explaining estrogen dominance
Estrogen in both female cancers and prostate cancers
Start Track 6: 1:37:37
Track 6:
Benefits of estrogens.
History of estrogens
Xeno-estrogens effects on environment
- cosmetics
Early puberty cases

Saturday Nov 06, 2021
PACIFIC YEW TREE - Rus Willis & Chelsey Buckner - 04.27.2019 - Show #897
Saturday Nov 06, 2021
Saturday Nov 06, 2021
Track 1:
Rus tells stories of people with cancer using just Yew Tea.
Biomedical Center 1994 Mildred Nelson, RN.
- Starting using tips from the bows
- 1996 - discovered it would take 3 years for branches
- paclataxol: semi-synthetic drugs
Start Track 2: 20:49
Track 2:
Call about growing your own yew tree.
- The difference between Pacific Yew and Japanese Yew Trees
Call about other healing properties in other trees
Rus discusses research from different compounds and analytical facts
Start Track 3: 41:46
Track 3:
How Rus cuts bark of cut-down trees
- dried to less than 10% moisture
Sustainable harvesting discussion
- 3-6x more regrowth
Pliers/cutters are made from stainless steel
9 capsules/day (3x3) - Biomedical Clinic - Cancer fighting properties
- 1/8 tsp/powder = 1 capsule
- 1 mL oil = 1 capsule
Start Track 4: 1:03:28
Track 4:
How Chelsey got into the business
- How production protocols are followed
- Enthusiastic responses
Text about lung infection and yew tip products to help
- Yew Tip Tincture is great for inflammation & arthritis
- oils and lotions for arthritis as well
- How to make the oil
Does Yew Tip cure cancer? -- NO! but it can help in a healthy healing protocol
Start Track 5: 1:26:20
Track 5:
Chelsey talks about what types and what dosages children can take
- tea + stevia
- 1-2 capsules/day if they can swallow the capsules
- tincture or oil
- 1 mL/ 1 ounce water
- topical uses of salve for cuts, burns, bruises
- keep in the first aid kit
Children with cancer
- have them call Biomedical Clinic
Rus explains what happens when you go to Biomedical Clinic
- bloodwork in Physical in 1st day
- most people are in and out in 1 day
- Chelsey's experience with the clinic
Start Track 6: 1:46:47
Track 6:
Call about going to Tijuana
Jacobus story of 78 year old man with prostate cancer who's total testosterone went from 410 to 816 in 4 months
Rus explains his story of athletes
Rus has another story about women getting pregnant 2x in her 50's
Call about MD Anderson
Rus plays the yewtar

Friday Nov 05, 2021
MEDICINAL MUSHROOMS - Jerry Angelini - 05.18.2019 - Show #900
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Track 1:
Fungi Perfecti- mother company
- Host Defense - Sale to retailers
Why have Japanese + Chinese done so much research
- Different Mushroom
Call about movie in Alaska guy is using fungal growth ChaCha (Chaga)
- Chaga helps immune response
- Western World: Increased autoimmunity + allergies
Serving Size:
1 gram = maintenance
2-4 gram / day = helps immune system
up to 6 grams = non toxic
Start Track 2: 21:31
Track 2:
Call about allergies to mushrooms
Jerry explains history of this and how mushrooms are prepared
4 categories of mushrooms:
- Edible Mushrooms
- Medicinal Mushrooms
- often hard + woody
- Poisonous Mushrooms
- angel of death
- Hallucinating Mushrooms
- Silycibins
- end of life
- Ceremonial
Call about finding good fieldguide to mushrooms & explaining different compounds
Primordia - tiny sprouts that grown in mycelium
Start Track 3: 42:19
Track 3:
Continuation of the Primordia discussion
Mycelium - grows on different mediums
- wood
- soil
- brown rice
Mycelium + Brown Rice - create both pathogenic scavengers
Immune Modulating
Jerry explains the growing process
- how to grow spores for reproduction
Recap of the show by Jacobus
Jerry wants to talk about cognitive function
- Lions mane research about neurological support
- supports nerve-growth factors - stem cells
- it will take time + other good nutrients such as Omega 3 + Omega 9
- B12 + B6
- supports nerve-growth factors - stem cells
- Peripheral Neurological Regrowth
- Everyone will respond differently
Start Track 4: 1:02:38
Track 4:
Call about buying mushrooms in grocery stores - ORGANIC
Back to Cognitive Functioning
- Ergothionine - higher levels - lower incidence of cognitive decline
- effect on brain
- in Lion's Mane - 2 weeks to kick
- after 1 month off - decline again
Peripheral Neuropathy - 2-3 grams of Lion's Mane
- Response Time 2 weeks - 6 months
Powdered Product: Brain + Body
- 1 tsp = 3 grams
Start Track 5: 1:23:15
Track 5:
Digestive Health
Reishi - Chaga - Lion's Mane have effect on intestinal tract
- Modulate immune response
- Gut Associated Lymphatic Tissue
Food in our intestinal tract
Medical Mushrooms help thrive micro bacteria in our digestive tract - primarily in large intestine
Mushrooms are prebiotics
How about Turkey Tail: Great Immune Response
Start Track 6: 1:35:37
Track 6:
SHOW 900!
Digestive benefits of medicinal mushrooms and affect of vagus nerve
Cordyceps in the wild it grows on insects
- energizing
- benefits lung function
Liquid Cordyceps - feel it in 10-20 minutes
- capsules: about an hour
My Community: 17 mushrooms
- full body support
- Stamets: great product to start
- 1/2 tsp - 1 tsp
- don't take too late
- Engaging your immune response
Working with honey bees
Colony Collapse Disorder because of parasites
Reishi mushroom mycelium - helps to go after viruses
nature and scientific reports

Sunday Oct 31, 2021
BLUE SKY HEALING ARTS CENTER - Thomas Sexton - 5.25.2019 - Show #901
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Track 1:
Medicine today versus traditional medicine
- Thomas's father was obstetrician
- Thomas one of his first children given antibiotics
- Pasteur: all cells are plyomorphic - they are always changing
- How can you "treat" them
- Western Medicine is only 120 years old
Effect of vaccinations
Ranked 38th in health in the world
- Air
- Water
- Minerals
After "treating" small pox - leukemia increased!
Orthodox medical society - is being challenged today
Dr. Voll measured energy in acupuncture points
Start Track 2: 22:35
Track 2:
30-40 years ago "healing" would happen in 10-12 days
- today 60-120 days
- One of the big causes is STRESS
What causes diseases today?
Call about lecture about pure vegan fixated on Chlorophyll
- Dr. Endelin + Dr. Virginia-Livingston-Wheeler
- Can Chlorophyll be overused?
- ABSOLUTELY! All excess throws off body's ph and can cause all kinds of problems
Start Track 3: 44:34
Track 3:
Blood is not a steril environment
Chinese medicine is not linear, it works in circles
Call about food having different energies
- why are some foods more healing than others?
- Thomas: you cannot "eat" yourselves to heaven
- Different factors play a role
Regarding superfoods - eat LOCAL foods!
Disease comes from outside-in!
Healing comes from inside-out!
Doctor's are changing antibiotics because they're not working diseases have changed from bacteria to viruses
Closest longevity food is close to "starvation"
- air + water
Step 1: Learn to breathe
Start Track 4: 1:06:34
Track 4:
Thomas: we need to stay CONNECTED with nature and the earth - design your food for the function your body needs to perform
Call about what can we learn from long life civilizations?
DIET: it's more about what we "don't eat"
what is the role of germs in the body?
Lyme - thrives because of heavy metals
Netflix "Heal"
MD's license taken away because they are using natural medicine
Start Track 5: 1:29:03
Track 5:
Recap of Thomas's work
- Blood pH
- Health is freedom
- Let the emotions speak
Call about deciding not to work with someone after an initial visit...
- Thomas: you cannot add to a full cup
- patients have to be willing to hear and heal
- problems with root canals & osteomyolitic infections
German Doctor:
- Do you love yourself?
- Do you enjoy what you're doing?
- Do you have fun?
if you say no to any of this - he will not work with them...
Thomas: there is no complexity in the disease
There IS complexity in the patient
Anthony William - there is no autoimmune disease
Start Track 6: 1:51:42
Track 6:
Talking about Anthony William
We are all born as empaths - you take on your parent's stuff
Big Pharmaceuticals are getting too powerful - they are the push behind attacking natural health
Call about vitamin D3 - Vitamin D
Call about daughter with celiac - who now has intestinal issues in spite of GF diet

Saturday Oct 30, 2021
HOMEOPATHY PART 2 - Jenna Dodge - 05.11.2019 - Show #899
Saturday Oct 30, 2021
Saturday Oct 30, 2021
Track 1:
Homeopathy is not equal to home therapy
Homeopathy is not equal to the law of similars
Story of Samuel Hahnemann
Start Track 2: 22:21
Track 2:
Scientific Research of Homeopathy
Explaining Dilution/Potentizing
Start Track 3: 43:20
Call about duck liver
How and when to use X, C, or M potencies
- Best starting potency is 30c
Start Track 4: 1:02:58
Track 4:
How to pick C, M, or X
Jenna looks at person's vitality
- someone with energy but with chronic allergies has a lower vitality
- Energy does not equal vitality
Modality - what makes a person feel worse
- i.e. allergies
How to do minerals - trituration
Start Track 5: 1:25:14
Track 5:
Repeat of how to start a remedy (plant)
Insoluble remedies are made differently (minerals)
Cell-Salts Discussion
Call about Tinnitus and what kind of homeopathic remedies help with the ringing in the ears.
Start Track 6: 1:43:22
Track 6:
Call about Radiation Hormesis
Jenna talks about Isopathy
Remedies not available in stores
- Drug Remedies: opioids, heroin, cocaine, morphine
- Sarcodes: Glandulars
- Nosodes: from a disease
Plants are more for acute, used like an herb (not very old)
Nosodes: deeper acting than minerals
How to deal with autoimmune disease

Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Start Track 2: 20:42
Start Track 3: 39:26
Start Track 4: 58:51
Start Track 5: 1:20:21
Start Track 6: 1:39:39

Sunday Oct 24, 2021
ESSENCE OF THE MINERAL SILICA - Burt Goulding Jr. - 2019.02.09 - Show #897
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Track 1:
Customers with "unresolved" issues
Start Track 2: 20:22
Track 2:
- 1 part silicon dioxide #14
- 2 parts of oxygen
Periodic Table
Silicon - pushes out
Theory of Substitution and displacement to block Arsenicum 33 - take more Selenium 34
Brain changes shape
- silicon important for "structure"
- collagen contains a lot of silica
Edward Lemo PhD: Book Silica
Text about Diatomaceous Earth - poorly absorbed but better colon cleanser than even Psyllium Husks
Bentonite Clay - helps remove mercury - make sure you buy mercury-free Bentonite
Call about Silica to remove Aluminum - to help Alzheimer's
Start Track 3: 42:51
Track 3:
Poly Substance Delirium
Alzheimer's drying of the brain
Text about prolapsed uterus - is it reversible?
- Yes will take 6 months of hard work
- about over an hour of daily with the help of professional
- balancing hormones
- Chinese herbs
- silica
- about over an hour of daily with the help of professional
Super Silica:
- more absorbable than others
- Powders are to large to absorb
- Very small particles from Ancient Seabeds
- Liquid drops form: Developed in 1958
Start Track 4: 1:05:00
Track 4:
Recap of show
Burt promotes all forms of Silica
But different sections need different forms of silica.
If the body needs silica it will first get it from hair, skin, & nails.
Long hair develops split-ends - lack of silica.
Increasing chemo to bring the body to "ground zero"
- It kills the silica - losing hair
- Grey hair - silica deficiency
- 60 drops in 60 ox - 6 months - original hair color will return
Start Track 5: 1:27:21
Track 5:
Jacobus gives a long recap of the show so far
Call about Bromide in the bread today
- 3-4 Brasil nuts/poor man's form of Silica
Call about Congestive Heart Failure
- is there research on that?
- Burt talks about Kidney Problems
Start Track 6: 1:49:22
Track 6:
Jacobus gives a final recap (~6 mins)
Text about Glaucoma
Text about blood test or Saliva Test?
Text about BioSil similar to Super Silica and the taste?
Text about Fiji Water (high in Silica) good for Alzheimer's?
Text about Cell Power

Saturday Oct 23, 2021
Saturday Oct 23, 2021
Track 1:
Introductions to Danielle Egnew and Sahara Devi
Start Track 2: 20:44
Track 2:
"Fear Consciousness"
Fear is contracting energy - not giving people to become themselves
If we live in "fear" - deteriorates our immune system
Call about suicides
Discussion on the weight of "hopelessness"
Questions about abortions
Start Track 3: 41:32
Track 3:
Talking about FREQUENCY
We all know that frequency exists, so now we are actually responsible from now on
Danielle explains frequency in her work
Quantum Physics has proven frequency
Discussion about energy - love and responsibility to handle frequency
Start Track 4: 1:01:27
Track 4:
Jacobus is all about helping customers "understand" that they can heal!
If you want LOVE - become it, then send it out!
What is love?
- Action Step: Tell someone today - a compliment
Call about a father with toddler son
Text about asking Danielle to share tools/steps towards raising your vibrations
- Babystep: Pick 1 day a week to turn things around in your life.
Start Track 5: 1:24:19
Track 5:
Call about how to maintain balance when surrounded by negative persons
Sahara discusses "ignoring the negativity"
2019 is the year of reconstruction
Start Track 6: 1:43:43
Track 6:
When to engage in conversations or not to engage.
Being a "soundboard" versus being a "witness" to someone's processing our subconscious is our director
Old Wisdom:
- we see things not as they are
- we see things as WE are!
Call about scientific evidence
This is the "time of transformation"