
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Track 1:
He talks about his history and schooling
How he got into medical school
Where he went for internship in University of Tennessee in Memphis
Really hands-on work with patients
How he found his town for practice
In 1988 LMD = Local Medical Doctor
- It became PCP
In 2006 he got tired of what was going on in Medicine
Start Track 2: 21: 24
Track 2:
He was trying to find a replacement
How to find someone who is as passionate as he was.
The new guy came in September 2007
The malpractice issue came up
CMIC - insurance he started-up
The first case then he ended up leaving CMIC
Malpractice company
Robert was very casual with patients
- he didn't have a glass window separating him from patients
- It seemed like they were trying to get rid of internists
- IF they didn't like certain doctors they just surcharged them
Discussion on this and Jacobus's comments about the change in the medical industry.
Start Track 3: 42:42
Track 3:
Call about retired physician and Academic Physician
- overordering tests
- No compassion for patients
Call about what is most important thing we can do to stay healthy
- Keep weight down
- Well - balanced diet
Consumer reports: 1 factor trumps everything - aerobic
Call about sewer water
Start Track 4: 1:02:26
Track 4:
PCP qualifications
PCP = family care physician
- Pediatrician
Approved drugs are usually used by 3,000 people
Start Track 5: 1:17:27
Track 5:
Direct Consumer Advertising
There is not a drug for everything
- To offset this they came out with celebrities in ads
There is a SAFETY issue - most studies are based on 3,000 person test
People believe that no ads should play until a product has been out for 2-3 years.
NEGATIVE studies are not being published (publication bias)
Now all studies need to be REGISTERED
Call about do we need more specialists and if so: in what fields
- about 16,000 med-students are graduating every year
- In Europe: work force committees that check what is needed in communities
- PCP SHOULD be able to deal with diabetes and colds in one visit
- Yes many people don't take care of themselves so it is very frustrating to be an internist
- The only students going into PCP are RICH KIDS...
Start Track 6: 1:35:59
Track 6:
Call about consequences of industrialisation
- need for having a doctor walking side by side someone who knows YOU, whom YOU know!
- We're losing loyalty to losing service
- New doctors are younger and don't connect with their older patients value system
- New enthusiastic students need to be properly nourished
Call about his wife skin-cancer
Problem: the financial charges are astronomical.
- doesn't understand the cost-structure
- 30% of every medicine is wall-street medicine (Big Pharma)
- Also: specialty based system - too many tests
Call about bad side-effects of Vioxx

Monday Mar 30, 2020
PINK RIBBON BLUES - Gayle Sulik - 2010.11.27 - Show #508
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Track 1:
Gayle's experience with friend Cathy
Albany University: Very interested in science behind Breast Cancer
- She learned to read medical journals
- the science behind the disease
- After that she learned the industry behind breast cancer
- There is something more we can do!
- There is a strong desire to help - helping to be more positive
Start Track 2: 21:19
Track 2:
Call about men being treated differently than women in breast cancer
What are the influences (political, socially, culturally)
Call about cancer being caused by the environment
There is an environmental cancer organization
Cause marketing: revenue producing stream
- False Advertising
Start Track 3: 42:45
Track 3:
What is a medical sociologist
Review in NY Times "Pink Fatigue"
Call about shaving arm pits
- estrogen dominating
- systematic approach to fundraising - Pink Ribbon
Call about anti-soy diet
Start Track 4: 1:02:31
Track 4:
Research Discussion
What do we not know and what do we need to know?
Relationship between cosmetics
Susan G Komen Foundation
Start Track 5: 1:20:55
Track 5:
Invasive and non threatening cancer
Decline in aggressive breast cancer is because of drop in HRT in early 2002
What can we do?
Increase in non-invasive cancer
Mammography: DCIS
What is "early detection"
Call with compliments
Call about mammogram vs sonogram vs thermogram
Thermography discussion
Start Track 6: 1:40:24
Track 6:
Call about new cash-cow: screening for relatives
- prophylactic mastectomy
- hysterectomies
Call about birth control pills
- increasing of breast cancer
- oncology drugs: Big Pharma

Saturday May 18, 2019
THE COMPLETE BOOK OF KETONES - Dr. Mary Newport - Track 1/6 (04.13.2019 - Show #896)
Saturday May 18, 2019
Saturday May 18, 2019
Track 1:
What are ketones?
Ancestors could not always find food - starvations
- 10-12 hours of glucose is stored in liver
- after that fat becomes fuel
- after that muscles
Brain has difficulty absorbing large fatty acids
- Ketones are broken down from fats -helps produce ATP
- Both for strengthening and relaxing muscles
People in ketosis - become sharper in their minds intermittent fasting
- metabolic switching (Mark Mattson)
Thyroid: iodized salts

Saturday May 18, 2019
THE COMPLETE BOOK OF KETONES - Dr. Mary Newport - Track 2/6 (04.13.2019 - Show #896)
Saturday May 18, 2019
Saturday May 18, 2019
Track 2:
1921 Ketogenic Diet - Epileptic Seizures
- Medications to help seizures
- John's Hopkins - fasting + fluids given then ketogenic diet - 90% success
Crisco/Proctor & Gamble - villified Coconut Oil
- transfers 2 layers of lipids shortens life of cells
- FDA in 2013 starts to ban transfats - McDonalds (had 35) - Burger King made switch
- said Coconut Oil plugged up arteries
Call about Research about using burning ketones vs burning glucose
Dr. Richard Veech
- ketones not only energizing but also anti-inflammatory
- Ketogenic Diets - less than 50 grams of carbs 80% fats
- MCT oils will produce ketones

Saturday May 18, 2019
THE COMPLETE BOOK OF KETONES - Dr. Mary Newport - Track 3/6 (04.13.2019 - Show #896)
Saturday May 18, 2019
Saturday May 18, 2019
Track 3:
- Coconut
- Lauric
- Capric
- Caprylic
Call about importance of Breakfast + Exercise why is this MCT + coconut coming out now?
- Coconut Water - high in potassium + minerals
- used during WW2 for IV-Therapy
- Coconut Milk - higher fat
- Coconut Oil - use for low/medium heat
Text about MCT - Coconut Oil
- Extracted from Coconut Oils
- Different than long-chain fats -- Plant Oils
Question about MCT's
- Lauric - c12
- Capric- C10
- Caprylic- C8 (most Ketogenic)
- What can she tell-us "exona" food group
There are important elements
- Capric helps production of Mitochondria - more energy
- Lauric - raises ketones quite a bit
- Stimulates ketone production in exercise
- Astrocytes in Brain

Saturday May 18, 2019
THE COMPLETE BOOK OF KETONES - Dr. Mary Newport - Track 4/6 (04.13.2019 - Show #896)
Saturday May 18, 2019
Saturday May 18, 2019
Track 4:
Call about ketosis stack for exercising in the late 70's
- Low Carb
- Ketone Salts - exogonous ketones
- Betahydroxy Butyrate
- Take at least 5 grams daily
- Betahydroxy Butyrate
- Exercise also increases ketones
- also BDNF in Brain - cardiovascular
- Ketones help to preserve muscles
Lauric Acid: very antimicrobial, anti virus, anti bacterial great moisturizers
- great for Alzheimer's
- microorganisms may be a cause
- Alzheimer's patients often have herpes simplex virus
- Clamydia - Lyme - Spirochete
- Key pathology in the brain is plagues (infections) + tangles
Cholesterol is very important to the brain

Saturday May 18, 2019
THE COMPLETE BOOK OF KETONES - Dr. Mary Newport - Track 5/6 (04.13.2019 - Show #896)
Saturday May 18, 2019
Saturday May 18, 2019
Track 5:
Statin Drugs Explanation
- loss of pregnenelone
- Cholesterol has been villified
- LDL - some of the oxidized cholesterol in food
- Natural LDL - indicates inflammation
90% of cholesterol in people
- 75% of people over 75 - Cholesterol naturally goes up
- Triglycerides and cholesterol tests
70% of people with diabetes develop Alzheimer's increased for insulin
- Type 2 - insulin resistance in the brain
- This is a process that develops in 20-25 years
- Research by Dr. Steven Kumain in Canada - same area in brain that needs sugars can actually convert energy from ketones
- Alzheimer's Association is now looking into Ketone Ester
Call about relation between Tinnitus and Alzheimer's?

Saturday May 18, 2019
THE COMPLETE BOOK OF KETONES - Dr. Mary Newport - Track 6/6 (04.13.2019 - Show #896)
Saturday May 18, 2019
Saturday May 18, 2019
Track 6:
Reintroduction to Mary
Dr. David Diamond Neuroscientist - great research
Question about monk fruit vs sugar
- Rule to the number of carbs and sugars you are allowed on a keto diet - +/-50 Grams per day
Ketogenic Diet
Dr. Tom Siefried - studied genetics + cancer
- Cancer Cells have defective mitochondria
- GioBlastoma - Brain Cancer
- When on ketogenic Diet
- drives sugars down
- drives inflammation down
- increases Mitochondria
- Now 100's of people are trying this

Thursday May 16, 2019
ENERGY MEDICINE - Lisa Buford - Track 1/6 (04.06.2019 - Show #895)
Thursday May 16, 2019
Thursday May 16, 2019
Track 1:
What is Energy Medicine?
Orthomolecular Psychiatrist comments
Story about Lisa's grandmother

Thursday May 16, 2019
ENERGY MEDICINE - Lisa Buford - Track 2/6 (04.06.2019 - Show #895)
Thursday May 16, 2019
Thursday May 16, 2019
Track 2:
Lisa and Jacobus talk about their youth
Traditions feel "safe"
Donna Eden & David Feinstein
"Energy Medicine"
What are the energy patterns in the body
Gentle lessons - and clear answers
Call about Opioids and Energy Medicine