
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
ENZYMES - Tawne Bachus - 6.18.2006 - Show #297
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Track 1:
Enzymes are active for 6-8 hours (take in 3x/day)
- Digestive Enzymes
- Systematic Enzymes
How do they do their function in the body?
Start Track 2: 18:04
Track 2:
Where do they come from?
Certain enzymes active in certain acidity: "optimal effect"
Effects of flouride on enzymes
- traditionally animal enzymes are most effective in the ph range 7.0-8.0 (blood)
- plant enzymes are more effective in wider ranges
Start Track 3: 36:30
Track 3:
History of enzymes: Dr. John Beard 1906
Dr. Wolf + Benekz: Learned how to stabilize enzymes
3 main enzymes:
- Proteolytic - proteins
- Ameplytic - carbs
- Lypolytic - fats
Asperin stops the process in the body without addressing the cuase
Enzyme stops a process in the body helping to heal the body
Start Track 4: 53:25
Track 4:
Role of enzymes in maintaining correct PH
Fulvic acid
Enzyme weight - enzyme activity
Start Track 5: 1:13:43
Track 5:
How long does it take enzymes before seeing results
Start Track 6: 1:32:15
Track 6:

Saturday Jun 20, 2020
VACCINE DANGERS - Sherri Tenpenny - 2010.07.31 - Show #493
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Track 1:
Gallatin County Ad Campaign in August to increase vaccinations
Explanation of difference between Vaccination and Immunization
There are 49 doses of 14 vaccines before the age of 6 in current children
Article from NIH
Sherri's library of references of research
Start Track 2: 22:17
Track 2:
Pertussis in CA
Terror Attack- only children at risk are those less than 3 months (small windpipe)
- bacterial infection of bronchial tubes
- diagnosing: cough if longer than 30 days
- treated as bronchitis and allergies
- Not as serious as parents believed
- CDC Numbers from 1987-2007
What is the pertussis vaccine
Importance of Vitamin-D = high doses for short period of time
Call about getting exemptions
- www.NVIC.org : state laws for any state
- But you cannot wiggle on your point
Meningitis (HIB Vaccine)
Prevnar for Strep-meningitis
Call about Tetanus shot and window of infection
Start Track 3: 44:40
Track 3:
Meningitis - continued
- Neurological and diabetic
- Most common strain of meningitis is not included in vaccine
- Very dangerous however it is a random
Call about senior citizen pneumonia shot
- which are 21 strains
- "Protection and health do not come in a needle"
Call about learning about dangers of flu-shots
- check vitamin D levels
- 2006 flu-shot statistics
- CDC website between 1997-2005
- Only 13% with swab: were infected with flu
Destroying large amounts of flu-shots: paid for by government
Start Track 4: 1:01:21
Track 4:
Call about levels of antibodies
- Chicken pox-vaccine -- success?
Call about: general and effects of vaccination on Autism
- there is a whole spectrum of diseases and allergic reactions from vaccinations
- Vaccinated kids vs. unvaccinated kids
- what does the future look like with adults who have all been vaccinated?
Call about: college students needing to have all vaccinations before taking classes
- There are possible exemptions
- Question about small-pox-vaccine
- Quote from Dr. Tom Mach
Bioterrorists in vaccine - budget
Has to start action from the bottom-up
New health care bill:
- Will be algorithm: flow chart for disorders driven
Start Track 5: 1:23:38
Track 5:
Discussion with Jacobus
Start Track 6: 1:43:56
Track 6:
Continued discussion with Jacobus

Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
TAKING CONTROL OF YOUR GUT HEALTH - Dr. Michael Wohlfeld - 6.09.2018 - Show #853
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Introductions; Dr. Wohlfeld takes about his congenital handicap, called ArthroGryposis; The role of emotions on our health; We are living in a stress-world, which is both contagious and addictive; Good bacteria are affected by stress; Mercury exposure, and dietary allergies.
Start Track 2: 22:08
Jacobus starts explaining digestive tract; How important are fats and fibers; Eating with(in) the seasons (+examples).
Start Track 3: 45:01
Call about microwaves, canola oil, and how much fermented foods daily is good for us; Is there a correct number of meals we should eat daily, and a right way?
Start Track 4: 1:04:48
Michael’s work as National Educator for the dietary supplement company Pure Planet; Most food companies (about 30) are owned by the cigarette company Phillip Morris; It’s what you know, NOT what you believe; Analogy of a fireplace.
Start Track 5: 1:27:10
Chatting about Chet Huntley and David Brinkley; Call about not having a gallbladder anymore, and the effects of eggs and pasteurized dairy; Talk about Current diets such as Paleo and Ketogenic, and their possible effects on the kidneys.
Start Track 6: 1:49:26
Dr. Michael Wohlfeld’s friend with stage-4 cancer, and the discussion with her doctor about using Chemo or Radiation; Functional Medicine doctors; Talking about vaccines, sipping hot water throughout the day, snacking, and eating organic.

Monday Jun 01, 2020
HORMONES - Rudy Dragone - 2019.7.27 - Show #909
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Track 1:
Rudy Dragone's own health introduction
His Story as explained above
His Message = Hope
- analogy of deck of cards
- half red (illness)
- half black (health)
- You don't have to cut everything out of your diet
Story about his father at age 65
Track 2:
Too many doctors have a God Complex
How do you get people to understand how to approach your health.
1.) Cleanse the Liver - look at nail of thumb
The more lumen (half moon) the healthier your liver.
Fingers are far away from liver - if no lumen or is very little - unhealthy liver
What can we do for ourselves
Rudy tells story about coffee Enemas
Coffee Enema takes out magnesium and fat-soluble vitamins
Other options - 300 mg Milk Thistle w/ some type of vegetable laxative - otherwise it may be reabsorbed through intestine
Liver is responsible for metabolizing hormones
Track 3:
Repeat Coffee Enema Recipe
- Make 6 cups of organic coffee
- Cool down to luke-warm
- hold for 15-20 minutes
Call about cleansing our lymph system
- Our body is homeostasis
- cleansing will affect the whole body
Vitamin D levels - need to activate progesterone deficiency
Birth control studies
Lack of hormones as we age
Track 4:
Question about hypertestorenemia
Pituitary gland may be regulating
use progesterone - calms body - also natural diuretic
Male: probably 7.5 mg
Reference Range: 300-1100
using less progesterone for men affects erections
DHEA creates estrone - growth factors of 10
remove things that cause cancer
increase things that fight cancer
Poor man's thyroid test - body temp @ wake up
Dr. Kobiyaski in Japan - cancer in clinic - inject malaria to activate white blood cells through 103.5 temp
Track 5:
Recap by Jacobus
text about hot saunas
Human body gets completely rebuilt in 3 years
Hormonal structure - DHEA = 80% of steroid precurser - important for ligaments and tendons
Estradiol - hormone of love
+ Estrogen can be dangerous
Track 6:
Importance of Zinc - when low - too much progesterone
Too much estrogen - migraine behind left eye
too much testosterone - migraine behind right eye
Zinc + chrysin + progesterone if too much estradiol
Jacobus talks about problems with estrogen in last 50 years
Rudy talks about women in Japan with soy compounds that affect estrogens
USA doesn't eat these - builds more hips and breasts
We need to ground ourselves when using electronics take off rubber soles and walk around barefoot will remove the charge.
2 tsp seasalt in quart of water per day over time you will not taste it anymore!

Tuesday May 26, 2020
ESSENTIAL OILS - Amy Pereira - 2018.06.30 - Show #856
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Track 1: Introductions to Amy Pereira and Pranarom
Start Track 2: 18:00
Track 2: Why do plants make Essential Oils
Historical Finds of Essential Oils
What makes PranaRom so special
Call about genetically modified seeds
Start Track 3: 38:30
Track 3: Difference between organic, pure, and therapeutic grade oils
Chemotyped oils
What is the basic use of essential oils?
-On Skin
-On Bath
-In Salt
Start Track 4: 58:26
Track 4: How fast do they work?
How to use in a bath
Some oils HAVE to be diluted
Carrier Oils
Start Track 5: 1:15:46
Track 5: Why organic is so important
How to incorporate into the skin
Within 15 minutes of being on the bottom of your feet you can taste it in your mouth
Does organic cost more and is it better?
Why are there different formulas?
-Mental Clarity
-Stress Recovery
-Immune Define Solution
-Bug Repellant
Start Track 6: 1:33:35
Track 6: Call about CBD Oil as an Essential Oil
Discussion on "Thieves"
Explaining stress
What are benefits of Spikenard?
Men like different smells than women

Sunday May 24, 2020
HEALTH DIRECT: COLLAGEN - Jim Caras - 2017.08.19 - Show #817
Sunday May 24, 2020
Sunday May 24, 2020
Track 1:
3 parts of Collagen:
- water
- Protein (lean body mass) 30% collagen protein – most essential in human body!
- Fat
—> Collagen is the glue in the body that holds everything together
How did Jim get involved into Collagen:
Poor Health, overweight with backpain, after trial and error he met the creator of hydrolyzed collagen (medical collagen)
Collagen Peptides
What kind of collagen should I take?
You do not want raw or whole food collagen product…
Collagen in your body is 3 molecular strands wrapped around each other. As we age our body has a hard time breaking down different things including PROTEINS.
Collagen MUST BE HYDROLYZED before you take it— hydrolyzing breaks down so it does not need to be digested— it can be ABSORBED easily!
Collagen Peptides after hydrolization are broken down into amino acids (bi- and tri- peptides)
Difference in gelatin? continued in part 2!
Start Track 2: 21:39
Track 2:
Amino Sculpt (liquid collagen) by Health Direct
Raw collagen (triple helix; 40 strands of amino acid structures which are hard to digest) – gelatin (partially hydrolyzed collagen; long chain amino acid) – peptides form (hydrolyzed collagen) – health direct (does everything themselves; medical grade)
Bone Broth has LOTS of benefits for many other things such as minerals. Often can cause bloating and cramping
Hospitals don’t use bone broth.
The science on bone broth is borrowed from science on hydrolyzed collagen… its like trying hand someone an orange and explaining Vitamin C benefits.
healthdirectusa.com for more information on Amino Sculpt
Collagen used for cancer treatments
Start Track 3: 35:25
Track 3
Different Types of Collagen
Structurally and commercially
28 different types in the body
1-5 most common
-Type 1 is 90% of collagen in your body (hair, skin, nails, tendons, organs, inorganic bone matter, etc.)
-Type 2 are isolated in the cartilage
picture joints. Type 2 is cartilage and type 1 is EVERYTHING else….
-Type 3 bone marrow and lymph nodes
-Type 4 cell membrane
-Type 5 cell surfaces, placenta, and some hair
3-28 are pixydust on the label…. all good but VERY SMALL and not SUPER beneficial…
Look for Type 1 and Type 2
Type 2: Biosil from chicken sternum — great for SKIN and CARTILAGE!
Type 1: Beneficial to WHOLE BODY (sleep, lean body mass, recovery, healing, hair, skin, nails)
Why are they good for sleep?
Collagen has more amino acids
Glycine – great for sleep – 3.7 grams per ounce
lowers your body temperature
Start Track 4: 55:49
Track 4:
Recap of discussion so far
Why take Collagen Proteins specifically?
#1 It’s natural
#2 Amino Acids
Let’s explain FURTHER.
Why you need Collagen—anyone over the age of 20 needs to be supplementing with collagen.
It’s bioidentical for you rather than other proteins that are not natural to the body. And it’s hypoallergenic!
After you turn 20/25 you lose 1% of your collagen PER YEAR…
By Mid Fifties = 30% loss… and remember collage is 90% of you body makeup!
MANY Things break down your collagen such as stress, sun, climate changes, eating white excessive white flours, caffeine, etc.
Amino acid structures VARY in different protein types.
162% more arginine than whey protein.
in the triple helix structure, the middle strand is hydroxy proline that keeps the collagen together. This is NOT available in any other proteins!
Hydroxy Lysine is unique ONLY to collagen — not found ANYWHERE else…
High Nitrogen Amino Acids.
—> when your body is breaking down more protein than you are taking in— you are in a catabolic state. (negative state)
—> when your body is taking in more protein than you are taking in— you are in an anabolic state. (positive state)
5 High Nitrogen Amino Acids:
- Glycine – sleep
- Lysine
- Arginine
- Hydroxy proline
- Hydroxy lysine
All responsible for maintaining and repairing muscle tissue in the body…
Collagen has:
451% more Glycine than 1 serving of whey
333% more Argine than 1 serving of whey
162% more Proline than 1 serving of whey
2 Grams Hydroxy Proline — NOT IN WHEY
2 Grams Hydroxy Lysine — NOT IN WHEY
Other proteins are STILL VERY IMPORTANT
Needed for Macronutrients!
Collagen is medicinal and only needed in small amounts to be beneficial
Start Track 5: 1:12:06
Track 5:
Explanation of adrenal hormones
Jim’s personal story of extreme adrenal fatigue
Our body doesn’t shut up. We have a sympathetic system.
Start Track 6: 1:30:27
Track 6:
Call about possible antibodies against specific peptides, because it is medical grade.
Collagenous Autoimmune Disease
Medical Grade Explanation- original creation and has been used for 40 years and clinically researched.
Call with discussion about adrenal issues and cortisol.
Call about hydroxy proline in the body

Wednesday May 20, 2020
"THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF” PART 2 - Bruce Lipton - 2006.09.24 - Show #311
Wednesday May 20, 2020
Wednesday May 20, 2020
Track 1:
Introduction to Bruce
Cloned Stem Cells
Fate not controlled by genes but by the environment you put them in!
20:35 Start Track 2:
Track 2:
Skin secretes waste material
Medicine is a belief system
dogma = belief on religious persuasion, not science
gene is a blueprint with information on it
psychic energy: invisible moving forces
37:03 Start Track 3:
Track 3:
Are we able to chance other people?
We are programmed not to express our feelings
Children develop between pregnancy and age 6
Conscious mind - subconscious mind - CAN WE CHANGE? But why don't we change?
56:42 Start Track 4:
Track 4:
Why is it difficult to change?
Subconscious mind is a mechanical device that we need to actively change by pushing the stop-button
Positive thoughts
1:15:23 Start Track 5:
Track 5:
Activity going on while in Delta Waves
Life-time experience is temporarily stepping into a body
How do you do the reprogramming once you are in a brain balanced state?
1:34:11 Start Track 6:
Track 6:
Talking about potential changes in AMA (it's a union)
80% of doctors do not belong to AMA
Drug company politics

Saturday May 09, 2020
"THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF” - Bruce Lipton - 2006.05.28 - Show #294
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Track 1:
Introduction to Bruce and epigenetics
We are OUR BELIEFS - not necessarily “our genes”
Neuropathways we have engrained
18:03 Start Track 2
Track 2:
Call from Ron about plastic surgery
We are what we constantly tell ourselves
39:24 Start Track 3
Track 3:
Call from Daniel about cloning, cluster headaches
Call from Clint about effects of polluted water on downstream cities
55:32 “Faded Jeans” by Jeff Foxworthy
56:30 Start Track 4
Track 4:
Call from Dr. Gene about synergy of EM technology
Call from Richard about hidden messages
1:15:03 Start Track 5
Track 5:
Call from Cathy about people feeding control
Getting around harmonious people in life
Thinking habits begin in UTERO in the womb
Why is my life not going how i want ? Why is this pattern not going how I want?!
BIG CATCH: “when the conscious mind is busy - that’s when the subconscious mind carries out its ‘recorded tapes’ “ — we are OBLIVIOUS to the subconscious mind when our CONSCIOUS mind is busy …
1:31:58 Start Track 6
Track 6:
Call from Jim about how we can change belief systems
Subconscious beliefs are HARD to change…
relation to a tape player you’re trying to TALK TO… you can’t TALK TO A TAPE PLAYER - YOU NEED TO PRESS RECORD = PROCESS…
How does LIFE work
3 Effective Ways:
1.) Buddhist Mindfulness - you’re driving the car - not on autopilot — Run the show live & avoid the tapes (HARD in today’s time with so much data & technology)
2.) Clinical Hypnotherapy - first 6 years of life (Being programmed by others around us and THEIR ACTIONS)
3.) Energy Psychology - LOTS of examples in his book - working with a practitioner to create change by changing perception of PRESENT (not having to go back through OLD tapes as your life is showing you what your old tapes were…)
Future is changing our PERCEPTION and PSYCHOLOGY - then biology will adapt and change to that…
Instincts and intuition

Friday Apr 17, 2020
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Kathie Garcia is be back to talk Astrology.
In early March we discussed her book: "The Hero's Journey through the Zodiac", in which Kathie introduced us to the concept of Transformational Astrology.
She explained many characteristics of the twelve astrological Sun Signs we often read about in magazines.
This time Kathie Garcia will talk about the meaning of summer Solstice and things we may look for in our own lives as we enter the second half of 2015.
Track 1:
What is Transformational Astrology
Success of her book
Call about not knowing his Rising Sign
Start Track 2: 21:20
Track 2:
Summer Solstice
Cancer feeling emotional
Start Track 3: 42:02
Track 3:
Call about Virgo confusion
Start Track 4: 1:00:15
Track 4:
Chucks Comments
Astrology gives us potential foresight
Call about smoking
Start Track 5: 1:15:23
Track 5:
Call about Pisces in relationship with Pisces
Start Track 6: 1:33:31
Track 6:
Spiritual aspect of astrology

Monday Apr 13, 2020
TRANSFORMATIONAL ASTROLOGY - Kathie Garcia - 2015.03.07 - Show #709
Monday Apr 13, 2020
Monday Apr 13, 2020
Track 1:
When did Astrology came-up?
History of Understanding
Start Track 2: 22:03
Track 2:
Chuck has questions about the dawning of the age of aquarius
Call about creativity
Explaining Scorpio
Pride + Prejudice
Abigail Adams
Start Track 3: 46:31
Track 3:
Call about Virgo
Call about doing a "reading" now vs in 1989
Call about people being born in the same signs
Why the "Hero's" Journey
Start Track 4: 1:04:28
Track 4:
Full Moon
Call about chart cost and history on the Aquarius/Air Sign and the church
"Transit" what does it mean
- Pluto is a planet
- Moon deals with subconscious
- Moon is a reflection of the sun
"Retrograde" gives you a chance to revisit
Start Track 5: 1:27:19
Track 5:
Chuck asks the names of the 3 magi
Start Track 6: 1:47:18
Track 6:
Her son
Story of dying in an accident